Section Table |
Enter or modify section data for line elements (Truss, Tension-only, Compression-only, Cable, Gap, Hook, Beam Element) in a spreadsheet format Table. Table Tool in midas Civil offers a variety of powerful built-in functions. Refer to the following items for detail directions: Basic directions (Cell motion, selection, size control, etc.) Data manipulation (Add, delete, modify data, etc.) Copy/Paste data using clipboard |
From the Main Menu select Properties > Table > Property Tables > Section Table. Shortcut key : [Ctrl]+[Alt]+S |
Refer to "Section" Refer to Usage of Table Tool and enter or modify the following data: All tabThe Table describes all the defined section properties regardless of how the sections were defined. The functions of Table Tool do not apply here. For modifying or adding section data, use the tables classified for each method of defining section data. ID: Section number Type: Type of section definition Shape: Symbol for section shape Name: Material name Area: Cross sectional area Asy: Effective Shear Area resisting shear force in the element's local y-direction Asz: Effective Shear Area resisting shear force in the element's local z-direction Ixx: Torsional Resistance about the element's local x-axis Iyy: Moment of Inertia about the element's local y-axis Izz: Moment of Inertia about the element's local z-axis Cyp: Distance from the section's neutral axis to the extreme fiber of the element in the local (+)y-direction Cym: Distance from the section's neutral axis to the extreme fiber of the element in the local (-)y-direction Czp: Distance from the section's neutral axis to the extreme fiber of the element in the local (+)z-direction Czm: Distance from the section's neutral axis to the extreme fiber of the element in the local (-)z-direction Qyb: Shear Coefficient for the shear force applied in the element's local z-direction Qzb: Shear Coefficient for the shear force applied in the element's local y-direction Peri. (Out): Total exterior perimeter length of a section Peri. (In): Inside perimeter length of a hollow section
DB/User tabID: Section number Name: Section name Shape: Symbol for sectional shape DB: DB Name of Standard specifications Section: Section name in DB Offset: Location of section centroid CC type: Cold formed section type Built-Up: Distinction between Rolled Section and Built-Up Section Size 1 ~ Size 6: Main dimensions of steel section Area: Cross sectional area Asy: Effective Shear Area resisting shear force in the element's local y-direction Asz: Effective Shear Area resisting shear force in the element's local z-direction Ixx: Torsional Resistance about the element's local x-axis Iyy: Moment of Inertia about the element's local y-axis Izz: Moment of Inertia about the element's local z-axis Cyp: Distance from the section's neutral axis to the extreme fiber of the element in the local (+)y-direction Cym: Distance from the section's neutral axis to the extreme fiber of the element in the local (-)y-direction Czp: Distance from the section's neutral axis to the extreme fiber of the element in the local (+)z-direction Czm: Distance from the section's neutral axis to the extreme fiber of the element in the local (-)z-direction Qyb: Shear Coefficient for the shear force applied in the element's local z-direction Qzb: Shear Coefficient for the shear force applied in the element's local y-direction Peri.(Out): Total exterior perimeter length of a section Peri.(In): Inside perimeter length of a hollow section
Value tabID: Section number Shape: Symbol for sectional shape Name: Section name Offset: Location of section centroid Built-Up: Distinction between Rolled Section and Built-Up Section Size 1 ~ Size 6: Main dimensions of steel section Area: Cross sectional area Asy: Effective Shear Area resisting shear force in the element's local y-direction Asz: Effective Shear Area resisting shear force in the element's local z-direction Ixx: Torsional Resistance about the element's local x-axis Iyy: Moment of Inertia about the element's local y-axis Izz: Moment of Inertia about the element's local z-axis Cyp: Distance from the section's neutral axis to the extreme fiber of the element in the local (+)y-direction Cym: Distance from the section's neutral axis to the extreme fiber of the element in the local (-)y-direction Czp: Distance from the section's neutral axis to the extreme fiber of the element in the local (+)z-direction Czm: Distance from the section's neutral axis to the extreme fiber of the element in the local (-)z-direction Qyb: Shear Coefficient for the shear force applied in the element's local z-direction Qzb: Shear Coefficient for the shear force applied in the element's local y-direction Peri.(Out): Total exterior perimeter length of a section Peri.(In): Inside perimeter length of a hollow section
SRC tabID: Section number Shape: Symbol for sectional shape RBO: Rect-Box-Open RBC: Rect-Box-Close RPO: Rect-Pipe-Open RPC: Rect-Pipe-Close CBO: Circle-Box-Open CBC: Circle-Box-Close CPO: Circle-Pipe-Open CPC: Circle-Pipe-Close EBC: SRC-Box EPC: SRC-Pipe RIB: Rect-I Beam CIB: Circle-I Beam Name: Section name Steel DB: DB name of Standard specifications Steel Name: Section name of steel Steel Built-Up: Distinction between Rolled Section and Built-Up Section Steel Size 1 ~ Size 6: Main dimensions of steel section Concrete Size 1 ~ Size 2: Main dimensions of concrete section Material Elasticity: Modulus of Elasticity Ratio of steel relative to concrete (Es/Ec) Material Density: Specific Weight(Density) Ratio of steel relative to concrete (Ds/Dc) Material Ps: Poisson's Ratio for steel Material Pc: Poisson's Ratio for concrete Material Replace: Assign Steel to be the reference when calculating stiffness of a composite section Note Area: Cross sectional area Asy: Effective Shear Area resisting shear force in the element's local y-direction Asz: Effective Shear Area resisting shear force in the element's local z-direction Ixx: Torsional Resistance about the element's local x-axis Iyy: Moment of Inertia about the element's local y-axis Izz: Moment of Inertia about the element's local z-axis Cyp: Distance from the section's neutral axis to the extreme fiber of the element in the local (+)y-direction Cym: Distance from the section's neutral axis to the extreme fiber of the element in the local (-)y-direction Czp: Distance from the section's neutral axis to the extreme fiber of the element in the local (+)z-direction Czm: Distance from the section's neutral axis to the extreme fiber of the element in the local (-)z-direction Qyb: Shear Coefficient for the shear force applied in the element's local z-direction Qzb: Shear Coefficient for the shear force applied in the element's local y-direction Peri.(Out): Total exterior perimeter length of a section Peri.(In): Inside perimeter length of a hollow section
Combined tabID: Section number Shape: Symbol for sectional shape Name: Section name DB: DB name of standard specifications First Name: Name of the 1st unit section constituting the combined section First Size 1 ~ Size 5: Main dimensions of the 1st unit section Second Name: Name of the 2nd unit section constituting the combined section Second Size 1 ~ Size 4: Main dimensions of the 2nd unit section Area: Cross sectional area Asy: Effective Shear Area resisting shear force in the element's local y-direction Asz: Effective Shear Area resisting shear force in the element's local z-direction Ixx: Torsional Resistance about the element's local x-axis Iyy: Moment of Inertia about the element's local y-axis Izz: Moment of Inertia about the element's local z-axis Cyp: Distance from the section's neutral axis to the extreme fiber of the element in the local (+)y-direction Cym: Distance from the section's neutral axis to the extreme fiber of the element in the local (-)y-direction Czp: Distance from the section's neutral axis to the extreme fiber of the element in the local (+)z-direction Czm: Distance from the section's neutral axis to the extreme fiber of the element in the local (-)z-direction Qyb: Shear Coefficient for the shear force applied in the element's local z-direction Qzb: Shear Coefficient for the shear force applied in the element's local y-direction Peri.(Out): Total exterior perimeter length of a section Peri.(In): Inside perimeter length of a hollow section
Tapered tabID: Section number Shape: Symbol for sectional shape Name: Section name DB: DB name of standard specifications Sect-I Name: Section name of I-section Sect-I Size 1 ~ Size 6: Main dimensions of the I-unit section Sect-J Name: Section name of J-section Sect-J Size 1 ~ Size 6: Main dimensions of the J-unit section Y variation: Method of variation for Moment of Inertia about the element's local y-axis Z variation: Method of variation for Moment of Inertia about the element's local z-axis Area: Cross sectional area Asy: Effective Shear Area resisting shear force in the element's local y-direction Asz: Effective Shear Area resisting shear force in the element's local z-direction Ixx: Torsional Resistance about the element's local x-axis Iyy: Moment of Inertia about the element's local y-axis Izz: Moment of Inertia about the element's local z-axis Cyp: Distance from the section's neutral axis to the extreme fiber of the element in the local (+)y-direction Cym: Distance from the section's neutral axis to the extreme fiber of the element in the local (-)y-direction Czp: Distance from the section's neutral axis to the extreme fiber of the element in the local (+)z-direction Czm: Distance from the section's neutral axis to the extreme fiber of the element in the local (-)z-direction Qyb: Shear Coefficient for the shear force applied in the element's local z-direction Qzb: Shear Coefficient for the shear force applied in the element's local y-direction Peri.(Out): Total exterior perimeter length of a section Peri.(In): Inside perimeter length of a hollow section
Construction tabID: Section number Name: Section name Before (After) Type: Method of defining sections before (after) construction (Regular, Value, SRC, etc.) Before (After) Value: Main dimensions of sections before (after) construction Note Before (After) Stiffness: Stiffness data of sections before (after) construction |