Plate Column Checking




Using the results obtained from the analysis of the entire structure and additional design data, verify the strength of concrete plate column members according to the AASHTO-LRFD 16 and Eurocode.




From the Main Menu select Design > RC Design > Concrete Code Check > Plate Column Checking.

Shortcut key : [Ctrl]+8



The strength verification results of sub-domain are calculated for negative, positive bending moments and shear forces at five positions
(4 corner nodes and center point) of each plate element in accordance with the load combinations for concrete design. The strength verification results are then sorted based on the results that the most critical results computed at specific node of the elements within
the sub-domain.

The results appear in blue when the strength verifications for the given section properties and rebars are satisfactory, otherwise they appear in red.

Strength verification can be performed by using the information on rebars and strength cannot be verified without these rebar data.

The strength verification results are produced in the unit length selected by the user.

Sub-Domain : Name of sub-domain.

SEL : Select sub-domain for  redesign and production of results.

Major Dir : Main rebar direction

CHK : Status of automatic design results (Results are produced in Description: 0-CC08(Right_Arrow-b).jpg state for convenience.

Reinf. Steel

Negative M

Positive M



Less than
Min. reinf. steel ratio


Less than
Min. reinf. steel ratio


Less than
Min. reinf. steel ratio


Max. reinf. steel ratio


Max. reinf. steel ratio


Max. reinf. steel ratio







The above symbols representing the status are combined to show "OK, OK++, OK--, etc.

Pos : The design results for Pos and Neg reflect the automatic design for maximum required reinforcement area for the positive and negative bending moment respectively.

Use_As : The area of rebars (LengthUnit2 / LengthUnit) for the bending moment calculated by the program.

Elem. : Element number.

Node : Node number.

LCB_M : Load combination which causes the maximum factored bending moment in the relevant sub-domain.

Mu : Maximum factored bending moment occurring in the node of element of relevant sub-domain under the load combination displayed in LCB_M.

Mr : Bending moment resistance calculated by the program of the plate element.

Ratio_M : Ratio of the factored bending moment to the design bending moment strength. The ratio larger than 1 signifies, the design is unsatisfactory.

LCB_P : Load combination which causes the maximum factored axial force in the relevant sub-domain.

Pu : Maximum factored axial force acting on the plate column member occurring in the node of element of relevant sub-domain under the load combination displayed in LCB_P.

Pr : Nominal axial strength of the plate element.

Ratio_P :Ratio of the factored axial force (Pu) to the design axial strength (Description: 0-pai.jpgPn = Pr). The ratio larger than 1.0 signifies that the design strength is unsatisfactory even if the rebar quantity is increased to the maximum rebar ratio or the minimum rebar spacing for the relevant column section.

LCB_V : Load combination which causes the maximum factored shear force in the relevant sub-domain.

Vu : Maximum factored shear force occurring in the node of element of relevant sub-domain under the load combination displayed in LCB_V.

Vr : Shear force  resistance calculated by the program of the plate element.

Ratio_V : Ratio of the factored shear force (Vu) to the design shear strength (Description: 0-pai.jpgVn). The ratio larger than 1.0 signifies that the design strength is unsatisfactory even if the ties spacing is reduced to the minimum for the relevant column section.


The main purpose of plate design feature is culvert and abutment. Axial force is not critical when we are designing culvert or abutment. This feature does not consider the benefit of axial force in calculation of flexural strength. Therefore the calculation of
axial resistance is only provided in checking mode.

From Civil 2018 v2.1, Axial-Moment Interaction can be considered as an option for plate column design and checking. This feature is available for AASHTO-LRFD12 and Eurocode. The result of P-M Interaction curve can be obtained from graphic result.

Common Control

 : Display the applicable code for strength verification.

 : Display the unit system selected by the user.

 : Select all members

 : Cancel the selection of all members

Re-verify the strengths of the selected members. When the strength re-verification is executed from the results displayed by section properties all the elements attributed to the same sections are included.

 : Display detail strength verification results

 : Display simplified strength verification results

 : Produce the strength checking results in summary calculations for the selected members.

 : Produce the strength verification results in detail calculations for the selected members.

The design results "Sorted by Element" support the detail calculations.


All: Produce all the strength checking results in the Checking Results dialog box.

OK: From the strength checking results, display only the checking results that have met the design requirements (OK) in the Checking Results dialog box.

NG: From the strength checking results, display only the checking results that have not satisfied the design requirements (NG) in the Checking Results dialog box.

 : Check in the option to select and highlight the selected members in Model View.

 : Close the dialog box