Renumber Node ID




Renumber the existing node (element) numbers in the order of priority for each GCS direction.




From the Main Menu select Node/Element > Nodes > Renumber Node ID.



Click  to the right of Renumbering: Display the Node Table

Start Node Number

Not applicable for this command.

Renumbering Target

Node: Renumber node numbers

Element: Renumber element numbers

Node & Element: Renumber node and element numbers

Selection type

All: All the nodes (elements) are targeted

By Selection: The selected nodes (elements) are targeted

New Start Number

Node: New starting node number

Element: New starting element number

Renumbering Options

Sorting Coordinate

When new nodes (elements) are renumbered, select a coordinate system of priority.

Revision of Civil 2010

  • If Cartesian Coordinate is selected as the Sorting Coordinate

  • If Cylindrical Coordinate is selected as the Sorting Coordinate