Scale Nodes



Magnify or reduce the distances between nodes by a given ratio in each axis direction.




From the Main Menu select Node/Element > Nodes > Scale.



Click  to the right of Scale Nodes : Display the Node Table

Start Node Number

Not applicable for this command.

Scale Factors

Enter the scale factors for each direction.

sfx: Scale factor for the x-direction

sfy:Scale factor for the y-direction

sfz: Scale factor for the z-direction

Scale About

Assign a reference point of magnification or reduction.

UCS Origin: UCS origin point

GCS Origin: GCS origin point

Average: Average of the coordinates of the relevant nodes in each direction

Center: Arithmetic mean of the maximum and minimum coordinates among the targeted nodes

User: Enter the coordinates of a reference point

Selection Type

All: Apply to all the entered nodes

By Selection: Apply only to the selected nodes