Change Element Parameters




Change the attributes of entered elements (Material property number, Section number, Thickness number, Beta Angle, etc.).




From the Main Menu select Node/Element > Elements > Change Element Parameters.

Shortcut key: [Alt]+9



Click to the right of Change Element Parameters: Display the Element Table

Start Node Number

Not applicable for this command.


Start Element Number

Not applicable for this command.


Parameter Type

Select a Parameter Type, which needs to be changed.

Material ID: Change material property number.

Section ID: Change section number.

Thickness ID: Change thickness number.

Element Type: Change element type.

Reverse Element Local
Reverse the element local coordinate system in the opposite direction.

Align Element Local
Reassign element local coordinate systems to correspond to a reference element.


When Material ID/ Section ID/ Thickness ID is selected

Assign: Reassign relevant attribute.

Define: Define a material property for change of element properties.

Copy: If Material Property, Section or Thickness is to be changed, copy the property assigned to the selected elements and change them to the auto-generated property numbers.

Copy per Property: Copy properties by Property numbers.

Copy per Element: Copy properties by Element numbers.

If Copy per Property is assigned, new properties are created as many as the number of property types of the selected elements.

If Copy per Element is assigned, new properties are created as many as the selected elements.

Change: the selected attribute by applying an increment.

When Element Local Axis is selected

Assign: Reassign relevant attribute.

Beta Angle: Enter Beta Angle directly.

Ref.Point: Select a node in the positive z-direction on the elementÂ’s local x-z plane.

Ref.Vector: Select a vector, which will define a plane in which ECS z-axis lies (x-z or y-z plane).

Change: Redefine the selected attribute by applying an increment.

When Element Type is selected

From: Display the element type of the selected elements.

To: Select an element type to which the old type will be changed. Changes pertain to the same element types, i.e., a line type to a line type and a planar type to a planar type.  

For more information related to required element properties, please refer to Create Elements.

When Reverse Element Local is selected

Reverse Element Attribute: When element local coordinate systems are to be reversed, reverse the element boundary conditions, static loads, etc., as well.

When Reverse Element Local is selected

Standard Element: When Align Element Local is selected the reference element number is specified.

Align Order: Where selected elements are aligned to correspond to the reference element's local coordinate system, enter the order of priority for the element local coordinate axes.


In the case where complete correspondence cannot be established for the element local coordinate axes, change the coordinate system as close to the 1st Order coordinate axis as possible.