Create Eccentric Elements



Move more than two nodes and auto-generate elements between the moved nodes.

This function is useful for copying or moving cable elements in 3 dimensions after creating cable elements connecting the main girder with the tower of a cable stayed bridge. Until now, in a cable stayed bridge model, we were generating cable elements after creating a Rigid Link between the tower/main girder and the anchorage. However, using this function, cable elements can be directly created between the tower and the main girder, and when the distance between the tower/main girder and the anchorage is entered, the cable elements are auto-generated in 3 dimensions.




From the Main Menu select Node/Element > Elements > Create Eccentric Elements.





  Click  to the right of Create Eccentric Elements: Display the Element Table.

 Start Node Number

Assign a number to the new starting node created together with new elements in the Model Window. This number is auto-set to the largest node number in use +1. To modify this item, click  and select an option to specify a desired number.


 Start Element Number

Assign a new starting element number. This number is auto-set to the largest element number in use +1. To modify this item, click  and select an option to specify a desired number.



Copy: To copy elements

Move: To move elements



Enter the eccentricities of i-end and j-end with respect to GCS.

GDXi: Component of the eccentricity vector at I-end in the GCS X-direction

GDYi: Component of the eccentricity vector at I-end in the GCS Y-direction

GDZi: Component of the eccentricity vector at I-end in the GCS Z-direction

GDXj: Component of the eccentricity vector at J-end in the GCS X-direction

GDYj: Component of the eccentricity vector at J-end in the GCS Y-direction

GDZj: Component of the eccentricity vector at J-end in the GCS Z-direction


Material Inc.

An increment for material property numbers while copying elements

Section Inc.

An increment for section numbers while copying elements

Boundary Group of Rigid Link

Select a Boundary Group of Rigid Link to be generated at both ends of eccentric elements. Click   to define a boundary group or modify an existing boundary group.

Copy Node Attributes

Select the option whether to copy the attributes (nodal boundary conditions, nodal concentrated loads, etc.) to the nodes being copied. Click   to assign desired attributes selectively.

Copy Element Attributes

Select the option whether to copy the attributes (element boundary conditions, element loads, etc.) to the elements being copied. Click   to assign desired attributes selectively.