FCM Camber Table



FCM Camber Control is presented in a table. Unlike the FCM Camber Graph, the target displacements for all the construction stages are presented.




From the Main Menu select Results > Bridge > Camber/Reaction > FCM Camber > FCM Camber Table.



Stage: construction stage

Node: node number

Page 1, 4: Cambers and displacements for each construction stage in the FSM zones

Page 2: Cambers and displacements for each construction stage for the segments of the pier 1.

Page 3: Cambers and displacements for each construction stage for the segments of the pier 2.


Note 1
At each node, the upper most value represents the camber to be incorporated at the time of installing the formwork, and the lower values represent the displacements at the subsequent construction stages.

Note 2
Upon right-clicking the mouse, the "Style Dialog" Context Menu appears and the style of the Table may be defined.