



Check the cable element configuration in a table format.




From the Main Menu select Results > Result Tables > Cable> Configuration



Upon executing Cable > Configuarion, Records Activation Dialog prompts. Click   after selecting the output entities such as nodes or elements, loading conditions, construction stages, etc. Click   to produce the results in a table for the selected output. It may take considerable time to display.

Refer to Results Table of "Usage of Table Tool" for the usage of Records Activation Dialog.

Refer to Usage of Table Tool and check the following data:

Elem : ID number for elements

Load : Loading case

Step : Sub-stage

Node I : Node ID number for I-end

Node J : Node ID number for J-end

Total Length : Cable Length after deformation (Unstrained Length + Elongation)

Elongation : Deformation

Unstrained Length : Length without being subjected to stress

Sag : Cable Sag

Horizontal Distance : Horizontal Distance between I-end and J-end

Vertical Distance : Vertical Distance between I-end and J-end

Gradient : Vertical Distance / Horizontal Distance

Skew Angle

I End : Angle between the horizontal line and tangential line at I-end

J End : Angle between the horizontal line and tangential line at J-end