Dynamic Report




Generate a report using analysis and design results from midas Civil. All the input and output data can be plotted (ie. material properties, section properties, reactions, member forces, displacements, stresses, section verification results, etc.) in a diagram, graph, text, or table format. All of the data entered in the report can be modified and saved by the user in MS Word format without any limitations. Also, the user can open and modify the pre-generated report or any other report in MS Word format. Using the Dynamic Report Regenerator, we can easily update contents of the report by reflecting changes in a model file.

Note  System Requirements





From the Main Menu select Tools > Dynamic Report Generator.

From the Main Menu select Tools > Dynamic Report Image.

From the Main Menu select Tools > Dynamic Report Regenerator.



This page consists of 1) Register data, 2) Generate a report, 3) Modify model data and re-generate a report, and  4) Report Tree.

    Register Data

 Register contents to be inserted in a report. The following data format can be inserted: Images, Tables,Charts and Text.

  • Images (User Defined Image)

  • Images ( Image Files)

  • User Defined Tables

  • Tables Templates

  • Charts

  • Header & Footer


    Generate a Report

 Once we register contents to be inserted in a report. The following data format can be inserted: Images, Tables,Charts and Text.

  • Generate a report

Click Tools > Dynamic Report Generator from the Main Menu.

New Document : Generate a new report.

Open Document : Open the pre-generated report.

Dynamic Report Generator

  • Insert registered data to the report

 There are two methods to insert the registered data into the report.  

 Method 1. Click the desired data from the Report Tree and then Drag & Drop to Report Editor as shown in the figure below.  

 Method 2. Right-click the desired data from the Report Tree and then select "Insert to Report" function from the context menu.

Insert data using Drag & Drop


Insert data from the context menu


  • Applicable data type which can be entered in the report

The following data format can be inserted in the report: inserted: Images, Tables,Charts and Text.

When inserting data into the report, the user needs to manually register the desired data into the Report Tree. However, for the user's convenience, midas Civil provides general data such as section properties, boundary conditions, etc. in Tables > Special Tables and Texts > Defined Texts from the Report Tree. Therefore the user does not need to register the following data separately:

 Tables > Special Tables

Section Summary

Reinforcement of Sections

Composite Section for C.S.

 Texts > Defined Texts

Control Data

Static Load Case




Floor Diaphragm / Rigid Link

Beam / Truss / Wall

Weight / Volume / Surface area of all member

Wind Load / Seismic Load

Load Combination

Self Weight

Nodal Load

Finishing Material Load

System Temperature / Nodal Temperature / Element Temperature / Beam Section Temperature

pushover Global Control / Pushover Load Case


  • User Defined Images : Insert images registered from the Model View of midas Civil.

Insert deformed shape image


  • Image Files : Insert images using the image files by registering them in Images > Image Files from the Report Tree.  

Insert structural plan Image using the image file.


  •  User Defined Tables : Insert tables registered from the spreadsheet table of midas Civil such as model input data, loads, analysis result tables, etc.

Beam force table results


  • Special Tables (Summary Tables) : Insert section related data into the table.

Section summary table results


  • Table Templates : The user can add any table as a table template. This feature will be useful when inserting frequently used tables such as summary of design specification or material properties by registering them as table templates.

Table Template


  • Charts : Insert graphs registered from the model input and output data.

Creep coefficient graph


  • Defined Texts : Insert general model data such as node, boundary, element, etc.

Boundary text in the defined text


  • User Defined Text : Insert text registered from the model input and output data. This function is available in the Design Result Dialog box.


    Modify model data and re-generate a report

If there are any changes in the model file, we can automatically update the pre-generated report. If the user manually entered additional text or images into the report, those data will remain without any changes.

(1) Select Tools > Dynamic Report Image menu from the Main Menu, or click icon to open the Auto Regeneration List dialog box.

(2) All the entered data will be displayed in each tab by data formats. Select the desired data to be updated.

(3) Click button.

Auto regeneration list dialog box


    Report Tree

  • Define Font ( Setup)

Double-click Setup icon from the Report Tree, or right-click on Setup and select Property menu to define font.

Text Setup :  Define font format for Texts.

Caption Setup : Define font for Images,Tables,Charts and Text. Caption of Images and Charts will be shown at the bottom and the caption of Tables will be shown at the top.  

Table Setup : Select the font of table contents in the Data tab. Select the font of table header in the Header tab.  

  Header, Footer Setup : Define font format for header and footer of the report.

      • Define Unit  (Unit)

Double-click  Unit icon from the Report Tree, or right-click on Setup and select Property menu to define unit by tables/charts.

Current Unit System: Select to apply the same unit system currently used in the model file.

Define Unit System: Select to apply a unit system for the selected table/chart.

Apply to All Tables: Apply the current setting to all tables/charts.


  • Import the input data from the other report (Reference DB)

(1) Double-click Reference DB icon from the Report Tree, or right-click on Reference DB and select Import Reference DB menu to import the input data from the other report.  

(2) Select midas Civil model file (*.mcb) and specify items to be imported from the Reference DB dialog box. Imported data will include only data type and format, not the contents of the data. Therefore the imported data will be automatically updated based on the current model file.