Beam Design
Using the results obtained from the analysis of the entire structure and additional design data, automatically design concrete beam members according to the following design codes: AASHTO-LRFD 16, AASHTO-LFD96, CSA-S6-14, EN 1992-2 including UK and Italy national annex, IRC:21-2000, IRC:112-2011, SNiP 2.05.03-84*, SP 35.13330.2011, TWN-BRG-LSD90. Chinese and Korean specifications are available upon request. |
From the Main Menu select Design > RC Design > Concrete Code Design > Beam Design. Shortcut key : [Ctrl]+1 |
The automatic design results sorted by elements are based on the maximum negative and positive moments and shear forces calculated at the positions (I,1/4,1/2,3/4 & J) of each element in accordance with the load combinations for concrete design. The automatic design results sorted by section properties are based on the results that yield the maximum quantity of rebars computed by considering the elements and locations pertaining to each section property in accordance with the load combinations for concrete design. The results appear in blue when the automatic design for the given properties is satisfactory, otherwise they appear in red, which represent the results are unsatisfactory. The position M represents one of 1/4,1/2 & 3/4 positions considered for the results of the automatic design, based on most unfavorable negative and positive moments and shear forces. The design results are produced in the unit system selected by the user. SEL: Select members for redesign and production of results. ELEM: Element number SECT: Section property number Span: Length of beam member Shape: Symbol for sectional shape = SB: Rectangular section = TEE: T-shape section Bc, Hc: Width, height (depth) of beam member bf, hf: Width, thickness of the flange of T-shape section f'c: Design compressive strength of concrete fy: Design yield strength of main rebars fys: Design yield strength of shear rebars POS: Section design points (I,M,J) The design results for M reflect the automatic design for the maximum negative and positive moments and shear forces at 1/4, 1/2 & 3/4 points. CHK: Status of automatic design results (Results are produced in the
The above symbols representing the status are combined to show "OK, NPV, N**, etc. N(-)Mu, LCB: Maximum factored negative moment occurring in the relevant element or section and the corresponding load combination. AsTop: The area of required top rebars calculated by the program. The larger of the calculated rebar area and the minimum rebar quantity specified in the codes is presented. P(+)Mu, LCB: Maximum factored positive moment occurring in the relevant element or section and the corresponding load combination. AsBot: The area of required bottom rebars calculated by the program. The larger of the calculated rebar area and the minimum rebar quantity specified in the codes is presented. Vu, LCB: Maximum factored shear force occurring in the relevant element or section and the corresponding load combination. Av: Reinforcing steel section area (LengthUnit2 / LengthUnit x 100 ) required for the shear force calculated by the program. The larger of the calculated rebar area and the minimum rebar quantity specified in the codes is presented. Stirrup: The required rebar spacing based on AstV using the standard sizes for sub-rebars entered by the user. The following are displayed for Stirrup based on the automatic design results: = "#xx @yyy" , "Dxx @yyy" xx is the standard rebar size designation and yyy is the rebar spacing (unit: inch). = "Failure" when the shear strength Vn exceeds when the shear strength Vs exceeds when the shear strength Vs exceeds Common Control
Redesign the selected members. When the redesign is executed from the results displayed by section properties all the elements attributed to the same sections are included.
The maximum forces (results of maximum reinforcing steel) calculated at each sectional location (I,M & J) are produced.
All: Produce all the auto-designed results in the Design Results dialog box. OK: From the auto-designed results, display only the design results that have met the design requirements (OK) in the Design Results dialog box. NG: From the auto-designed results, display only the design results that have not satisfied the design requirements (NG) in the Design Results dialog box.