The strength verification results sorted by elements are based on the maximum negative and positive moments and shear forces calculated at the positions (I, M & J) of each element in accordance with the load combinations for concrete design.
The strength verification results sorted by properties are based on the maximum results obtained by considering all the elements and sectional locations pertaining to each section property in accordance with the load combinations for concrete design.
The results appear in blue when the strength verifications for the given section properties and rebars are satisfactory, otherwise they appear in red.
Strength verification can be performed by using the information on main rebars (diameter, number), sub-rebars (diameter, number) and design parameters entered by the user. Strengths cannot be verified without the rebar data.
The strength verification results are produced in the unit system selected by the user.
SEL: Select members for redesign and production of results.
ELEM: Element number
SECT: Section property number
Span: Length of beam member
Shape: Symbol for sectional shape
= SB: Rectangular section
= TEE: T-shape section
Bc, Hc: Width, height (depth) of beam member
bf, hf: Width, thickness of the flange of T-shape section
f'c: Design compressive strength of concrete
fy: Design yield strength of main rebars
fys: Design yield strength of shear rebars
POS: Section design points (I,M,J)
The checking results at M reflect the maximum negative and positive moments and shear forces at 1/4, 1/2 & 3/4 points.
CHK: Status of strength checking results
Negative M
Positive M
Strength deficient
Strength deficient
Strength deficient
Strength satisfactory
Strength satisfactory
Strength satisfactory
Reinf. Steel
Negative M
Positive M
Less than
Min. reinf. steel ratio
Less than
Min. reinf. steel ratio
Less than
Min. reinf. steel ratio
Max. reinf. steel ratio
Max. reinf. steel ratio
Max. reinf. steel ratio
The above symbols representing the status are combined to show 밢K, NPV, N**, etc.
AsTop: The area of main top rebars entered by the user.
AsBot: The area of main bottom rebars entered by the user.
N(-)Mu, LCB: Maximum factored negative moment occurring in the relevant element or section and the corresponding load combination.
N(-)$Mn: Maximum negative moment capacity calculated based on the beam section dimensions and reinforcement
Rat-N: Factored negative moment / Negative design moment strength, which shows in red if it exceeds 1.0
P(+)Mu, LCB: Maximum factored positive moment occurring in the relevant element or section and the corresponding load combination.
P(+)$Mn: Maximum positive moment capacity calculated based on the beam section dimensions and reinforcement
Rat-P: Factored positive moment / Positive design moment strength, which shows in red if it exceeds 1.0
Vu, LCB: Maximum factored shear force occurring in the relevant element or section and the corresponding load combination.
$Vc: Concrete design shear strength for the beam member
AASHTO-LRFD02, (unit: N/mm2)
KSCE-USD96, (unit: kgf/cm2)
KCI-USD99, (unit: kgf/cm2)
RatV: Factored shear force / Design shear strength, which shows in red if it exceeds 1.0
When Serviceability is checked in the Beam Checking dialog box, crack width and fatigue requirements are checked as well.
CHK: Display the results of serviceability checks.
Allow. Crack width exceeded
Allow. Crack width exceeded
Allow. Crack width exceeded
Within Allow. Crack width
Within Allow. Crack width
Within Allow. Crack width
The above symbols representing the status are combined to show 밢K, TBF, TB*, etc.
Top-w: Calculated crack width at the top of the section
Top-wa: Allowable crack width at the top of the section
Bot-w: Calculated crack width at the bottom of the section
Bot-wa: Allowable crack width at the bottom of the section
fr: Range of max and min stresses of the reinforcing steel due to Moving Load
ff: Allowable stress (ksi)
: Level of average minimum stresses (+ve for tension and 뻱e for compression) (ksi)
Common Control
: Display the applicable code for strength verification.
"Sorted by Element" displays the results of strength verification for the maximum factored negative moment, positive moment and shear force at the sectional locations (I,M & J) extracted from all the load combinations.
"Sorted by Property" displays the results of strength verification of the member producing the maximum factored negative moment, positive moment and shear force at the sectional locations (I, M & J) representing all the elements attributed to the relevant section property. Since the results do not pertain to a single element, NOEL (element number) is "0".
Once property is selected, SEL controls all the elements attributed to the same section properties.
: Display the unit system selected by the user.
When strength checking results are produced by elements, select an option whether to arrange the results on the basis of section numbers of element numbers in an ascending order.
: Select all members
: Cancel the selection of all members
Re-verify the strengths of the selected members. When the strength re-verification is executed from the results displayed by section properties all the elements attributed to the same sections are included.
: Display detail strength verification results
: Display simplified strength verification results
: Produce the strength checking results in summary calculations for the selected members.
: Produce the strength verification results in detail calculations for the selected members.
The design results "Sorted by Element" support the detail calculations.
: Produce the summary list of strength checking results for the selected members.
The maximum forces (results of maximum reinforcing steel) calculated at each sectional location (I,M & J) are produced.
When RatN, RatP and RatV exceed 1.0, * appears to the right of the output values.
All: Produce all the strength checking results in the Checking Results dialog box
OK: From the strength checking results, display only the checking results that have met the design requirements (OK) in the Checking Results dialog box
NG: From the strength checking results, display only the checking results that have not satisfied the design requirements (NG) in the Checking Results dialog box
: Check in the option to select and highlight the selected members in Model View.
: Close the dialog box