Stress Contour




Display the elastic stress contour and maximum/minimum stress values of the uncracked cross-section. Sign convention: Positive stresses are considered compression.




From the Main Menu select Results > Stress Contour.

Click 03-SC(i).jpg Stress Contour in the Icon Menu.





Stress Contour dialog box


0-check.jpgStress Result Summary

Load Combinations: Select a desired load combination.


Sig max: Maximum stress and the position from the origin point

Sig min: Minimum stress and the position from the origin point


0-check.jpgView Option

Material Type


Stressr: Display the concrete stress contour.

Mesh: display the mesh shape of the concrete section.


Stressr: Display the steel stress contour.

Mesh: Display the mesh shape of the steel section


Stress: Display the reinforcement stress contour.

Value Option

Max/Min: Display the maximum and minimum stress value in the stress contour.

Neutral Axis: Display the neutral axis at the ultimate strength. The ultimate strength is determined based on the same eccentricity ratio as the specified load combination (P, My, and Mz) in 3D P-M interaction curve.


Combined: Axial stress + Bending stresses due to P, My, and Mz

P: Axial stress due to the axial force (P)

My: Bending stress due to the moment about the local y-axis (My)

Mz: Bending stress due to the moment about the local z-axis (Mz)

Value Format

Exponential: Express the stress values in the legend as exponential expression.

Fixed: Express the stress values in the legend as fixed expression.

Decimal Point: Assign decimal points for the displayed numbers.



Click 0-report(b).jpg to generate the report in Microsoft Excel format. The generated excel file is saved in the same folder as the one that the *.mgs model file has been saved.
