Translate Nodes

Move or copy existing nodes at equal or unequal spacings.

From the Main Menu select Model > Nodes > Translate.

Select Geometry > Nodes > Translate in the Menu tab of the Tree Menu.

Click Translate Nodes in the Icon Menu.

Shortcut key: [Ctrl]+[Alt]+3

Click to the right of Translate Nodes: Display the Node Table

Start Node Number

Enter a starting node number for the newly created nodes. This number is auto-set to the largest node number in use +1. To modify this item, click and select an option to specify a desired number.



Copy: To copy nodes

Move: To move nodes



Equal Distance
To copy (or move) at an equal spacing

dx, dy, dz
Copy (or move) distance in each axis direction

To enter the copy (or move) distance, type in each distance, or click the entry field and assign the copy (or move) distance in the working window with the mouse.

Number of Times: Number of repetitions


Unequal Distance
To copy nodes at unequal spacings

Axis: Assignment field for copy direction

x: To copy nodes at unequal distances in the UCS x-direction

y: To copy nodes at unequal distances in the UCS y-direction

z: To copy nodes at unequal distances in the UCS z-direction

Arbitrary: To copy nodes at unequal distances in an arbitrary direction

Distances: Enter unequal copy distances in the assigned direction as many times as desired

(Ex. 5, 3, 4.5, 3@5.0, 4 = 5, 3, 4.5, 5.0, 5.0, 5.0, 4)

Direction Vector: If the direction is selected arbitrarily, enter the components of the direction vector in each of the x, y, z-directions


Merge Duplicate Nodes
Merge overlapping nodes to single nodes if new nodes coincide with existing nodes. Click to modify the Merging Tolerance if necessary.


Copy Node Attributes
Select the option whether to copy the attributes (nodal boundary conditions, nodal concentrated loads, etc.) to the nodes being copied. Click to assign desired attributes selectively.


Intersect Frame Elements
Select the option whether to divide the existing line (beam & truss) elements at the newly created nodes that intersect the elements. Click to modify the Intersecting Tolerance if necessary.