Apply or modify a floor load onto beam or wall elements within a closed zone on a plane in a spreadsheet format table.
Table Tool in MIDAS/Gen is powerful and contains
a large variety of built-in functions. Refer to the following items for
detail directions:
Basic directions (Cell motion, selection, size control, etc.)
Data manipulation (Add, delete, modify data, etc.)
Copy/Paste data using clipboard
Supplementary functions by Table types
From the Main Menu select Load > Load Tables > Floor Loads.
Select Structure Tables > Static Loads > Element Floor Loads in the Tables tab of the Tree Menu.
Shortcut key: [Ctrl]+[Shift]+O
Entry (Refer to Define Floor Load Type, Assign Floor Loads)
Refer to Usage of Table Tool and enter or modify the following data:
Load Type: Floor Load Type defined by Define Floor Load Type
Distribution Type: Load distribution method (one-way, two-way distribution)
Load Angle: Angle formed by the straight line connecting the 1st node to the 2nd node defining the loaded area and the load distribution direction
Sub Beam No: Number of sub-beams
Sub Beam Angle: Angle formed by the straight line connecting the 1st node to the 2nd node defining the loaded area and the sub-beam direction
Unit Self Weight: Self-weight per unit length of a sub-beam
Load Direction: Loading direction of the floor load (Floor plate local coordinate system and GCS)
Projection: Select whether or not the floor load is to be projected
Nodes for Loading Area: Node numbers defining a closed area loaded by a floor load
Description: Enter a short description
Group: Name of Load Group