Plane Loads Table
Enter or modify Plane Loads in a spreadsheet format table.
Table Tool in MIDAS/Gen
is powerful and contains a large variety of built-in functions. Refer
to the following items for detail directions:
Basic directions (Cell motion, selection, size control, etc.)
Data manipulation (Add, delete, modify data, etc.)
Copy/Paste data using clipboard
Supplementary functions by Table types
From the Main Menu select Load > Load Tables > Plane Loads.
Select Structure Tables > Static Loads > Plane Loads in the Tables tab of the Tree Menu.
Entry (Refer to Define Floor Load Type, Assign Floor Loads)
Refer to Usage of Table Tool and enter or modify the following data:
Load Case: Unit Load case
Load Type: Plane Load Type
Elem Type: Element Type (Plate element or Solid element)
1st(X,Y,Z): First coordinates of the location of load application
2nd(X,Y,Z): Second coordinates of the location of load application
3rd(X,Y,Z): Third coordinates of the location of load application
Tolerance: Tolerance limit for the defined plane and plane of the load application
Element Selection: Selected element, which will be subjected to plane loads
Element Group: Element group, which will be subjected to plane loads
Face: Face number of solid element in element group, which will be subjected to plane loads
Direction: Direction of load
Projection: Whether or not to project the loads
Flag: Check if the location of load application is defined
Nodes for Loading Area: Nodes defining the loaded area
Description: Description of entered loads
Group: Name of Load Group