Divide Elements




Divide selected elements and create nodes at the division points.




From the Main Menu select Model > Elements > Divide


Select Geometry > Elements > Divide in the Menu tab of the Tree Menu.


Click Divide Elements in the Icon Menu.


Shortcut key: [Alt]+7






Click to the right of Divide Elements: Display the Element Table.


Start Node Number


Assign a starting node number for the newly created nodes resulting from the division. This number is auto-set to the largest node number in use +1. To modify this item, click and select an option to specify a desired number.


Start Element Number


Assign a new starting element number for new elements being created. This number is auto-set to the largest element number in use +1. To modify this item, click and select an option to specify a desired number.





Element Type: Assign the type of elements.


Frame: line element (Truss, Beam etc.)


Wall: wall element


The division of wall elements is associated with ECS x and z.


Planar: planar element (Plate, Plane Stress etc.)


Solid: solid element (3-D solid element)




Equal Distance: To divide at equal distances




Number of Divisions x: Number of divisions in ECS x-direction




Number of Divisions x: Number of divisions in ECS x-direction


Number of Divisions z: Number of divisions in ECS z-direction




Number of Divisions x: Number of divisions in ECS x-direction


Number of Divisions y: Number of divisions in ECS y-direction




Number of Divisions x: Number of divisions in ECS x-direction


Number of Divisions y: Number of divisions in ECS y-direction


Number of Divisions z: Number of divisions in ECS z-direction




Unequal Distance: To divide at unequal distances


Enter unequal distances as many times as desired in ECS x-direction.

Enter unequal distances as many times as desired in ECS x-direction.

Enter unequal distances as many times as desired in ECS z-direction.

Enter unequal distances as many times as desired in ECS x-direction.

Enter unequal distances as many times as desired in ECS y-direction.

Enter unequal distances as many times as desired in ECS x-direction.

Enter unequal distances as many times as desired in ECS y-direction.

Enter unequal distances as many times as desired in ECS z-direction.



Parametric Unequal Distance
Unequal distances defined in terms of distance ratios




Ratio x: Relative unequal distance ratios in ECS x-direction




Ratio x: Relative unequal distance ratios in ECS x-direction


Ratio z: Relative unequal distance ratios in ECS z-direction




Ratio x: Relative unequal distance ratios in ECS x-direction


Ratio y: Relative unequal distance ratios in ECS y-direction




Ratio x: Relative unequal distance ratios in ECS x-direction


Ratio y: Relative unequal distance ratios in ECS y-direction


Ratio z: Relative unequal distance ratios in ECS z-direction



Parallel Bracing
Parallel Bracing is applicable for a structure with two posts such as a truss structure of a transmission tower. If the space between the two posts is connected by bracings, nodes are created and the post elements are divided so that the inclination of the bracings is constant irrespective of the inclination angle of the posts. The bracings so created are parallel to each other.




Number of Divisions


Main Post Element (E1, E2): Assign two posts that will be connected by bracings.



Divide by Node
Select an element and a node. Divide the element into two new elements using the node.


Element to be divided: Element being divided


Node to divide element: Node dividing the element



The Node to Divide Element dose not necessarily have to be on the
Element to be Divided.



Divide by Pattern
Divide planar elements according to a defined pattern. Select the planar elements to be divided. The Base Edge or the Base Point, which forms the basis for dividing, will appear as reference in the Model Window.




Divide Planar Elements using a Base Edge

1.Select a division Pattern.

2.Select a Base Edge that will become the reference of division for the selected elements.


Divide Planar Elements using a Base Point


1.Select a division Pattern.

2. Select a Base Point that will become the reference of division for the selected elements.


Divide Planar Element using a Defined Pattern

1. Select a division Pattern.


Base Edge and Base Point define the application direction of
a Pattern. They do not affect the structural analysis.


Merge Duplicate Nodes
Merge overlapping nodes to single nodes if new nodes coincide with existing nodes. Click to modify the Merging Tolerance.