



Produce the time history graphs representing the analysis results of individual nodes resulting from Heat of Hydration stage analysis.




From the Main Menu select Results > Heat of Hydration Analysis > Graph.


Select Results > Heat of Hydration Analysis > Graph in the Menu tab of the Tree Menu.



Define Nodes


Specify the nodes and the direction components of stresses for which the time history analysis results of heat of hydration analysis are produced.



Graph Type


Select the types of analysis results for producing time history graphs for the selected nodes.


Stress + Alw. Stress Graph: Time history graphs for resulting stresses and allowable stresses


Stress Graph: Time history graphs for resulting stresses


Allowable Stress Graph: Time history graphs for allowable stresses


Crack Ratio Graph: Time history graphs for the ratios of the allowable stresses to resulting stresses (crack ratios)


Normal: Allowable stress / Resulting stress


Inverse: Resulting stress / Allowable stress


Temperature Graph: Time history graphs for temperatures at individual nodes



If is clicked


Add additional nodes for graphs.





Select node numbers and stress components.


Sig-XX: Stress component in the X-direction of the Global coordinate system


Sig-YY: Stress component in the Y-direction of the Global coordinate system


Sig-ZZ: Stress component in the Z-direction of the Global coordinate system


Max(X,Y,Z): The maximum value of the stress components in the Global coordinate system



X-Axis Type


Time: Produce the graphs relative to time.


Stage / Step: Produce the graphs by construction stages/steps.



Context Manu


Right click on the graph displayed on the screen to prompt the Context Menu. Numerous techniques for displaying the graph, saving data, and saving image is possible by using the context menu.


Change Title & Label
Modify the title and label of a graph.


Define Graph Origin/Resolution/Range...
Modify the functions for displaying the graph, such as graph origin, resolution, range, etc.


Zoom Out & Zoom Out All
By dragging the mouse on the graph, the user can zoom in and out.


X & Y Axis Log Scale
The X & Y-axis of the graph is converted to Log Scale. Executing once again restores to the original state. (Toggle).


Save Graph As Image
Save the graph in the graphic file format of BMP, JPG or EMF. (default=BMP image).


Save Graph As Text
Save the data in a text file.


Save Graph As Excel
Save the data in a MS-Excel file


For X-Axis Type Stage/Step, the Define Graph Origin/Resolution/Range function does not apply.