UCS converts the currently applied GCS into UCS.


GCS converts the currently applied UCS into GCS.


Assign a UCS from the sub-functions of Model > User Coordinate System. If UCS has not been assigned separately, the origin and axes of UCS are automatically set to coincide with GCS. Note that the point grid and line grid are always positioned on UCS x-y (or GCS X-Y) plane.

When the point grid or line grid are displayed on the screen by Point Grid or Line Grid, the relevant grid is also moved to the converted coordinate system's x-y plane (or X-Y plane) according to the conversion of UCS and GCS.


The coordinate systems used in MIDAS/Gen are as follows:


    • Global coordinate system (GCS)


    • Element Coordinate System (ECS)


    • Node local Coordinate System (NCS)


The GCS uses the X, Y, Z-axes of the Conventional Cartesian Coordinate System with the right-hand rule. The axes are denoted by the capital letters (X, Y, Z). Nodal data and the majority of data entry related to nodes, nodal displacements and nodal reactions are in GCS.


The GCS is used for the geometric data for the structure. The Reference Point is automatically set to the coordinates X=0, Y=0, Z=0.


In MIDAS/Gen, because the vertical direction of the screen is set parallel to the Z-direction of the global coordinate system, it is more convenient to coincide the vertical direction of the structure (the direction opposite to the direction of gravity) with the GCS Z-direction.


The ECS uses the x, y, z-axes of the Conventional Cartesian Coordinate System with the right-hand rule. The axes are denoted by the lowercase letters. (x, y, z)


Element internal forces, stresses and the majority of data entry related to elements are in ECS.


The NCS is used to assign Inclined Support Condition at a particular node. NCS uses the x, y, z-axes of the Conventional Cartesian Coordinate System with the right-hand rule. The axes are denoted by the notations x, y, z.


Once the Node Local Axes define the node coordinates, the following boundary conditions and forced displacements are entered according to the defined node coordinates:


    • Supports


    • Point Spring Supports


    • General Spring Supports


    • Surface Spring Supports


    • Specified Displacements of Supports




From the Main Menu select View > UCS/GCS > UCS.


From the Main Menu select View > UCS/GCS > GCS.


Click UCS in the Icon Menu.


Click GCS in the Icon Menu.