Local Direction Force Sum




Local Direction Force Sum provides internal forces on a selected plane in plate or solid elements. The resultant forces and the acting point are calculated on the basis of all the nodal forces included in the selected plane. Once a detail analysis is carried out for a specific part of the structure, this function conveniently calculates the member forces for structural design.




From the Main Menu select Results > Local Direction Force Sum.


Select Results > Local Direction Force Sum in the Menu tab of the Tree Menu.





       Local Direction Force Sum dialog box




Assign the method of selecting the subject plane that includes the nodes where internal forces are to be combined


Solid Face Polygon Select
Define a plane within solid elements. The plane is selected by Polygon Select.


Plate Edge Line Select
Define a plane within plate elements. The plane is selected by defining a straight line passing through the plate element nodes.


Plate Edge Polygon Select
Define a plane within plate elements. The plane is selected by Polygon Select. (Application example: When selecting the cross section of a steel beam as a plane)



Load Case


Select a desired load case or load combination. Envelop Type load combination cannot be selected.





Tolerance defining a line or polygon



Coordinate Input


 Positions: Enter the GCS coordinates of the points necessary to assign a line or polygon


Enter the coordinates of the points, or click the entry field and the desired points to automatically enter the coordinates. To select Plate Edge Line Select, enter the coordinates of the two points defining a line and additionally enter the coordinates of the 3rd point that defines the direction as to which side of the
elements are to be considered.


Vector: Enter a vector to define the z-axis of the local coordinate system to which Result Output is referenced



Plate Edge Line


The sum of nodal internal forces for each
element is calculated at the center of the selected plane section with respect to the local coordinate system.

When defining a polygon, the local axes are determined by the entry sequence of the coordinates of the points (right hand rule).

If the z-vector is not defined, the direction from the 1st to 2nd point of the polygon becomes the local z-axis by default.

Click in the Local Direction Force Sum dialog box to review the local coordinate axes displayed at the centroid.


Local coordinate system convention (when z-vector is not specified)


Result Output


Produce the position of the centroid of the defined section and the sum of internal forces for each direction.






Define a name, which will be used to register in a list of centroid locations of defined sections and internal force sums for each direction.


: Calculated results are produced in a text file. Using this function allows us to save multiple locations where we wish to find the sums of internal member forces, which can be output in a text file.