Column Checking

SSRC79    AIJ-SRC01, AIK-SRC2K (available upon request)



Verify the strengths of Steel-Reinforced Concrete composite column members using the results obtained from the analysis of the entire structure and additional strength verification data according to the Steel-Reinforced Concrete Composite Column Design Code of the American Structural Stability Research Council (SSRC 79, ASD).


The Specification for the Design of Steel-Reinforced Concrete of the Architectural Institute of Japan (AIJ-SRC01, ASD), the Chinese Standard (JGJI 38-02) and the Specification for the Design of Steel-Reinforced Concrete of the Architectural Institute of Korea (AIK-SRC2K) are available upon request.


The SRC Code Check module performs strength verification for column members only.


It supports the following functions:


- Live load reduction factors
- Correction factors for seismic forces
- Strength verification of all the column members for moving load
- Strength re-verification for selected column members with varying design parameters
- Design of optimal sections
- Reanalysis and strength re-verification of revised sections.




From the Main Menu select Design > SRC Code Check.


Shortcut key : [Ctrl+8]





The strength verification results may be sorted by Elements or by Properties, which include the governing load combinations and the corresponding maximum combined strength ratios.


The strength verification results are produced in the unit system selected by the user.



1. SSRC79



SSRC79 Code Checking Results dialog box


CHK: Status of strength verification results by members


= "OK": stress in the member is within the allowable stress range


= "OK*": stress in the member is within the allowable stress range but exceeds the allowable slenderness ratio


= "NG": stress in the member exceeds the allowable stress range


= "NG*": stress in the member exceeds the allowable stress range and slenderness ratio


ELEM: Element number


PROP: Section property number


COM: Maximum Combined Interaction Ratio


SHR: Stress ratio for the shear force (Member shear stress /Allowable shear stress)


SEL: Member selection for section changes, re-verification of members/sections and production of results


Type: Symbol for sectional shape


= RBO: Unfilled steel box section encased in a rectangular concrete section


= RBC: Concrete filled steel box section encased in a rectangular concrete section


= RPO: Unfilled steel pipe section encased in a rectangular concrete section


= RPC: Concrete filled steel pipe section encased in a rectangular concrete section


= CBO: Unfilled steel box section encased in a circular concrete section


= CBC: Concrete filled steel box section encased in a circular concrete section


= CPO: Unfilled steel pipe section encased in a circular concrete section


= CPC: Concrete filled steel pipe section encased in a circular concrete section


= EBC: Concrete filled steel box section (Concrete Filled Tubular section)


= EPC: Concrete filled steel circular section (Concrete Filled Tubular section)


= RIB: I-steel section encased in a rectangular concrete section


= CIB: I-steel section encased in a circular concrete section


Rebar: Standard rebar size and the number of main rebars entered by the user


Notation: n1 - n2 - #xx(Dxx).


(n1: number of main rebars, n2: number of rows of main rebars, #xx(Dxx): standard size for main rebars).


Member Name: Steel section name entered by the user or stored internally by the program


Material: Steel material name entered by the user or stored internally by the program


Fy: Yield strength of steel


f'c: Concrete design compressive strength


Fyr: Design yield strength for main rebars


Bc, Hc: Width, height (depth) of concrete section


LCB: Load combination yielding the maximum combined stress ratio


Len: Member length based on local node coordinates of the analysis model


Ly, Lz: Unbraced lengths for the member buckling about strong (y-Axis) and weak (z-Axis) axes respectively


Pa: Member axial force. (Pa > 0: tension, Pa < 0: compression)


My, Mz: Bending moments about the member's strong and weak axes respectively


Ky, Kz: Effective buckling length factors for the member buckling about the member's strong and weak axes respectively


Cmy, Cmz: Coefficients for moment magnification about the member's strong and weak axes respectively


fa: Compression (tension) stress in the member's axial direction


fby, fbz: Bending stresses due to moments about the member's strong and weak axes respectively


Fa: Allowable compression (tension) stress in the member's axial direction


FBy, FBz: Allowable bending stresses due to moments about the member's strong and weak axes respectively



2. AIJ-SRC01 (available upon request)


AIJ-SRC01 Code Checking Result dialog box


Fy: Yield strength of steel


Fc: Concrete design compressive strength


mFy: Design yield strength of main rebars


rDy, rDz: Amplification factors applied to the bending moments about the strong and weak axes of the reinforced concrete

column portion of a slender column.


sN: Allowable axial force of the structural steel portion


rN: Allowable axial force of the reinforced concrete portion


sMy, sMz: Allowable bending moments about the strong and weak axes of the structural steel portion


rMy, rMz: Allowable bending moments about the strong and weak axes of the reinforced concrete portion


Refer to SSRC79 for other contents.



3. AIK-SRC2K (available upon request)


AIK-SRC2K Code Checking Result dialog box


Identical to SSRC79



  • Common Control



 : Display the applicable code for strength verification.




Display the strength verification results for the maximum combined stress ratios by Elements or by Properties. "Sorted by Property" displays the strength verification results of the element producing the maximum combined stress ratio among all the members attributed to the section property.


Once Property is selected, SEL controls all the elements attributed to the same section properties.



 : Display the unit system selected by the user.


 : Select all members


 : Cancel the selection of all members




Re-verify the strengths of the selected members. When the strength re-verification is executed from the results displayed by section properties all the elements attributed to the same sections are included.


 : Check in the option to select and highlight the selected members in Model View.


 : Display detail strength verification results


 : Display simplified strength verification results


 : Produce the strength verification results in summary calculations for the selected members.


In all the Design Result Dialogs & Code Checking Result Dialogs, the Graphic Reports can be saved in a batch.




 : Produce the strength verification results in detail calculations for the selected members.





 : Produce the summary list of strength verification results for the selected members.


"Sorted by Property" produces the results of the maximum combined stress ratios representing all the members of same properties.







= All: Produce all the strength-verified results in the Checking Results dialog box


= OK: From the strength-verified results, display only the results that have met the design requirements (OK) in the Checking Results dialog box


= NG: From the strength-verified results, display only the results that have not satisfied the design requirements (NG) in the Checking Results dialog box



 : Produce the strength verification results of all the selected members based on the steel design load combinations


 : Close the dialog box



Section Change



Provide sections satisfying the conditions for the selected elements. If reinforcing steel is used in the concrete section (RBO, RBC, RPO, RPC, CBO, CBC, CPO, CPC, RIB or CIB), list only the sections that do not interfere with the concrete sections and rebars.

The spacing for structural steel and rebars are provided in Modify SRC Section Data.





Member Name: Section names


CHK: Status of strength verification results


= "OK": stress in the section is within the allowable stress range


= "NG": the stress in the section exceeds the allowable stress range


SEL: Select the sections to be changed


LCB: Load combination yielding the maximum combined stress ratio


COM: Maximum Combined Interaction Ratio


SHR: Stress ratio for the shear force (Member shear stress /Allowable shear stress)


H: Height (depth) of steel section


B: Width of steel section


Area: Cross sectional area of steel section


 : Select the property number to be changed


 : Open an MGB file to be used for the section DB


(MGB files containing section data created by the user can be used. Only DB/User Section is included for the construction of DB)


 : Select the DB for which sections are to be changed




Select the shape of the steel section to be changed (select among RBO, RBC, RPO, RPC, CBO, CBC, CPO, CPC, RIB & CIB)




B(Open) - RBO, CBO


B(Closed) - RBC, CBC


B(Filled) - EBC


P(Open) - RPO, CPO


P(Closed) - RPC, CPC


P(Filled) - EPC


Note that the concrete section remains unchanged when Open and Closed sections are selected, whereas the concrete section is automatically changed when a Filled section is selected.





Select the range of sectional dimensions to be changed

Fill in the Checkbox if the desired section dimensions are required to coincide with the current section dimensions in use. Enter dimensions in the present unit system in the From and To fields to assign the ranges.


Enter dimensions only in the From fields when the new section is to retain given dimensions.



 : Select the combined stress ratio range within which the sections are to be changed.





Perform strength verification for the SRC sections. The steel sections must satisfy the constraints.



: Select an option for sorting the sections' strength verification results.





After strength verification for the selected sections is carried out, save the changed results in the SRC strength verification file (.GD4) then close the dialog box.





After strength verification for the selected sections is carried out, save the changed results in the SRC strength verification file (.GD4).



 : Close the dialog box.




Update Changed Sections


 : Update the modeling properties with the changed sections after completing strength verification.






Properties Before Change presents the sectional properties used in the initial analysis.


Properties After Change presents the changed sectional properties after completing the final strength verification.


 : Auto-select only the changed properties.


 : Cancel all the selection


 : Update the modeling properties with the selected sections.


If Update is executed, the analysis and strength verification results are deleted. The updated model needs to be reanalyzed to re-verify the strengths.


In order to reanalyze the updated model and re-verify the strengths, click then click .


 : Close the dialog box





Plot strength verification results in graphs



Plot the strength verification results in graphs by materials, sections or members. (Plot strength verification results in graphs)

 : Select all


 : Cancel all the selection




Select a sorting option for graphic output. (Define a table output format for SEL selection)




Select a graphic output option. (Select Line or Vertical Bar)




Select load combinations for graphic output (All Load combination producing the maximum ratio among all the load combinations)



 : Select a ratio component for output


 : Select a ratio range for output


 : Select members satisfying Sorting Option, Load Combinations, Ratio component and Ratio Limit in Model View.




Option to produce the graph in a new View. (If checked, the graph is produced in the existing view)




Produce the ratio graph of strength verification results for members satisfying the conditions for selection



 : Close the dialog box