



Select options for displaying Tree View, Message Window (Command Line) and Status Bar on the screen, and setup detailed options for Tool Bar. Assign Shortcut Keys to frequently used functions, or modify/delete them.




From the Main Menu select Tools > Customize > Tree View.


From the Main Menu select Tools > Customize > Message Window.


From the Main Menu select Tools > Customize > Status Bar.


From the Main Menu select Tools > Customize > Customize...


Set the Works tab as the basic default tab of the Tree Menu.







Drag & drop a command of interest into a specific Toolbar, in order to add the command to the corresponding Toolbar. In addition, unnecessary commands can be removed from the Toolbar by dragging & dropping the command outside the Toolbar.



Commands dialog box



Select a category in which the command to be added belongs.



Select a command to be added, and drag & drop it to the desired position.



Short description of the selected command





Available toolbars are listed in the Toolbars dialog box. Checked toolbars (' ') are activated in the Model Window.



Toolbars dialog box


:Reset the selected Toolbars to default.


:Reset all the Toolbars to default.





The user can manually define the shortcut keys for each function.


Keyboard dialog box


Select a desired group among the function groups registered in the Menu bar for which a Shortcut Key is to be added or modified.


The sub-menus of the selected group in the Category field are listed. Select a function, which represents a shortcut key to be added or modified.


The shortcut key pertaining to the selected function is listed.


Press New Shortcut
Register the shortcut key by the keyboard. If the shortcut key is pre-assigned the registered function will be displayed in the window below.


: Register the entered shortcut key.


: Delete the assigned shortcut keys.


: Reset the shortcut keys to the defaults.


When assigning a shortcut key, the use of a single character or in combination with the [Alt] key may not operate properly depending on the working circumstances. It is thus recommended that combinations be used in conjunction with [Ctrl], [Shift], [Ctrl]+[Alt], [Ctrl]+[Shift], etc. The numbers on the Numerical Pad to the right side of the keyboard are recognized as different characters rather than general numbers. The registered (customized) shortcut keys may not operate properly if they conflict with those of the operating system.


When Shortcut Keys are set up, the stored shortcut key information will be maintained even after the program is reinstalled.






Menu dialog box



Select the type of Pull-Down Menu (Available types: None (=default), Unfold, Slide and Fade).


Menu shadow

Give a shadow effect to the Pull-Down Menu.






Options dialog box


Show ScreenTips on toolbars

Place an option whether to display the icon explanations upon placing the mouse cursor over the object.