Command Line




To avoid the process of clicking several times for invoking a function, MIDAS has incorporated a new feature known as “Command Line”. This feature is similar to the one in AutoCAD and improves the efficiency of modeling and analysis. By just typing a simple abbreviated command in the Command Line, the program will invoke the dialog box or direct the user to the related function. This will speed up the process of generating an analytical model and improve its accuracy in design.  


The shortcut commands for the Command Line are saved in a shortcutkey. cmd file in a text format, which is located in the User Folder. For generating a frequently used command, the user can create or modify commands in this text file.




Command Line

How to use the Command Line


1. Click on the Command Line or click on an arbitrary point in Model View and then Press the Space Bar. The user will then see the cursor blinking on the command line.


2. Enter a shortcut key that is indicated in the shortcutkey.cmd file. There are two kinds of keys that can be specified – the Command Key and the Group Key. Command Key is the key for invoking any menu or function. Group Key is the key for invoking a Command Group. If all menus of MIDAS/Gen need to be defined then there will be some difficulty in defining shortcuts with one or two characters. Also, if the number of characters is increased, then the efficiency of using the shortcut keys will decrease. For this reason, MIDAS has introduced the tree structure of folders which is similar to the one in Microsoft Windows. Several keys can be grouped together and the same command in another group can be specified to be the same key. The shortcut key does not need to be designated in a specific group and several groups can exist in one group.




1) Using the Command Key:


By inputting ‘PM’ in the command line ‘Model >Properties > Material’ menu can be invoked.


2) Using the Group Key:


Since, ‘P’ represents a group key for ‘Properties’ and  ‘M’ represents a command key for ‘Material’, typing ‘PM’ will invoke the material properties dialog box. Another option is to type the characters separately. If ‘P’ is typed then the program will invoke the Properties group and a pop-up list will appear showing the commands that can be chosen. If ‘M’ is typed, then the program will invoke the Material properties dialog box, which is the same as typing ‘PM’.


Shortcut Keys input using the Command Line.

3. When any character is inputted in the Command Line a pop-up list containing the sub-commands appears. The user can either type the command as specified by the character, or use the direction keys to highlight the command and select it by either pressing the space bar or Enter key. The user can also select by clicking the command with the mouse.  


4. After the command is executed, the Command Line reverts back to the default state.


5. The user can delete the inputted command by pressing the backspace key.



How to create a Command Key


All the information relating to the Command Keys is saved in a shortcutkey.cmd file which is located in C:\> Program Files> MIDAS> MIDAS Gen> User folder. By modifying this file the user can customize the shortcut keys for frequently used commands.


The format of the shortcutkey.cmd file is as follows. Usually one command key and one Group Key are included in one line.


Key, Display Text/Group Path, Type, Menu Path or Group Name/Path



Key: Shortcut Key to invoke the applicable dialog box.


Display Text:  The text that is displayed when inputting the corresponding key.


Group Path:  If the corresponding command key is a key inside a group, then the user inputs the Group path. When inputting the Group path, the user should use the name of the group.


Type: Type of Keys


C: Command Key.


G: Group Key. Selects the Command Group


L: Selects the lower grade group. This is a shortcut key to select other groups that are included in the group which is active.


Menu Path: If the Key type is ‘C’ then the user should define the path of the menu to be performed. The path should be inputted based on Main Menu and ‘…’ included in the menu is ignored. Writing with upper case or lower case doesn’t matter.


Group Name: If the Key Type is ‘G’ then the user inputs the name of the group.


Group Path: If the Key type is ‘L’, then the user inputs the path of the upper graded group which the selected lower grade group is included. When inputting the path of the Group the user should use the name of the group.  




1. RT, Result Tables, G, RT


2. T, RT > Truss, G, RTT


3. RTT, Truss, L, RT > Truss


4. Fo, RT > RTT > Force & Stress, C, Results > Result Tables > Truss > Force & Stress


5. RTTF, Force, C, Results > Result Tables > Truss > Force


1. This creates a Command Group of ‘RT’. When the user types ‘RT’ on the Command Line then a pop-up list will appear and the Result Table will be selected. The lower grade group pop-up list will also be displayed.



2. This defines a group name ‘RTT’, which is a lower grade of ‘RT’ and the group key as ‘T’ is specified. In this case, in the path 'RT > Truss', ‘RT’ does not refer to a Group Key but is a Group name.

The user selects the Result table by typing ‘RT’ and the Truss Group by typing ‘T’ again. Then a pop-up list of Command Keys which is included to the Truss Group will display.



3. This defines a ‘L’ type key ‘RTT’, which is included in Result Table (RT). This key enables the user to select the Truss Group at once. If the user types ‘RTT’, then the group path of RT>truss can be selected.


4. This defines the command key ‘Fo’. This is a command key for the Force and Stress menu which is a lower grade group of Truss. The command key ‘Fo’, which performs the path ‘Results > Result Tables > Truss > Force & Stress’, should be defined in the group of Result Table (RT) > Truss(T).

To perform this key, the user should assign the key in the ‘Result Table (RT)>Truss’ group.



5. This defines a Command Key ‘RTTFo’, which performs the path ‘Results > Result Tables > Truss > Force & Stress’. Since this Command Key is not included in any Group, it can be typed in the default Command Line.






1. If there are group keys that are duplicated, then the program will read the upper Group that is defined in the shortcutkey.cmd file.


2. If the Command Key is duplicated, then the program will read the latest Command that is defined in the shortcutkey.cmd file.


3. The user should specify the Group Name precisely to designate the path of the Group.


4. The user can press the space bar when the Command Line is defaulted to display the keys included in the Upper Groups or

Command Keys that are not included.


5. The user cannot use the Command Line function during analysis.


Command List (contents of shortcutkey.cmd)


Str, Structure Type, C, Model>Structure Type


C, Create, G, C


N, C > Create Nodes, C, Model > Nodes > Create Nodes


CN, Create Nodes, C, Model > Nodes > Create Nodes


E, C > Create Elements, C, Model > Elements > Create Elements


CE, Create Elements, C, Model > Elements > Create Elements



D, Delete, G, D


N, D > Delete Nodes, C, Model >Nodes >Delete


DN, Delete Nodes, C, Model >Nodes >Delete


E, D > Delete Elements, C, Model > Elements > Delete


DE, Delete Elements, C, Model > Elements > Delete



T, Translate, G, T


N, T > Translate Nodes, C, Model > Nodes > Translate


TN, Translate Nodes, C, Model > Nodes > Translate


E, T > Translate Elements, C, Model > Elements > Translate


TE, Translate Elements, C, Model > Elements > Translate



Ro, Rotate, G, Ro


N, Ro > Rotate Nodes, C, Model > Nodes > Rotate


RoN, Rotate Nodes, C, Model > Nodes > Rotate


E, Ro > Rotate Elements, C, Model > Elements > Rotate


RoE, Rotate Elements, C, Model > Elements > Rotate



Mi, Mirror, G, Mi


N, Mi > Mirror Nodes, C, Model > Nodes > Mirror


MiN, Mirror Nodes, C, Model > Nodes > Mirror


E, Mi > Mirror Elements, C, Model > Elements > Mirror


MiE, Mirror Elements, C, Model > Elements > Mirror



Di, Divide, G, Di


N, Di > Divide Nodes, C, Model > Nodes > Divide


DiN, Divide Nodes, C, Model > Nodes > Divide


E, Di > Divide Elements, C, Model > Elements > Divide


DiE, Divide Elements, C, Model > Elements > Divide



Me, Merge, G, Me


N, Me > Merge Node, C, Model > Nodes > Merge


MeN, Merge Node, C, Model > Nodes > Merge


E, Me > Merge Elements, C, Model > Elements > Merge


MeE, Merge Elements, C, Model > Elements > Merge



Ren, Renumbering, G, Ren


N, Ren > Renumbering, C, Model > Nodes > Renumbering


RenN, Renumbering, C, Model > Nodes > Renumbering


E, Ren > Renumbering, C, Model > Elements > Renumbering


RenE, Renumbering, C, Model > Elements > Renumbering


Pr, Project Nodes, C, Model > Nodes > Project


I, Intersect Elements, C, Model > Elements > Intersect


E, Extrude Elements, C, Model > Elements > Extrude


Ch, Change Element Parameters, C, Model > Elements > Change Element Parameters



P, Properties, G, P


M, P > Material, C, Model > Properties > Material


PM, Material, C, Model > Properties > Material


S, P > Section, C, Model > Properties > Section


PS, Section, C, Model > Properties > Section


CR, P > Creep/SH, C, Model > Properties > Time Dependent MAterial(Creep/Shrinkage)


PCR, Creep/SH, C, Model > Properties > Time Dependent MAterial(Creep/Shrinkage)


SF, P > Section Stiffness Scale Factor, C, Model > Properties > Section Stiffness Scale Factor


PSF, Section Stiffness Scale Factor, C, Model > Properties > Section Stiffness Scale Factor


T, P > Thickness, C, Model > Properties > Thickness


PT, Thickness, C, Model > Properties > Thickness


CS, P > Comp.Strength, C, Model > Properties > Time Dependent MAterial(Comp. Strength)


PCS, Comp.Strength, C, Model > Properties > Time Dependent MAterial(Comp. Strength)



B, Boundaries, G, B


S, B > Supports, C, Model > Boundaries > Supports


BS, Supports, C, Model > Boundaries > Supports


R, B > Beam End Release, C, Model > Boundaries > Beam End Release


BR, Beam End Release, C, Model > Boundaries > Beam End Release


O, B > Beam End Offsets, C, Model > Boundaries > Beam End Offsets


BO, Beam End Offsets, C, Model > Boundaries > Beam End Offsets


RL, B > Rigid Link, C, Model > Boundaries > Rigid Link


BRL, Rigid Link, C, Model > Boundaries > Rigid Link


EL, B > Elastic Link, C, Model > Boundaries > Elastic Link


BEL, Elastic Link, C, Model > Boundaries > Elastic Link


EW, B > Effective Width, C, Model > Boundaries > Effective Width Scale Factor


BEW, Effective Width, C, Model > Boundaries > Effective Width Scale Factor


GL, B > General Link, C, Model > Boundaries > General Link


BGL, General Link, C, Model > Boundaries > General Link


GLP, B > General Link Properties, C, Model > Boundaries > General Link properties


BGLP, General Link Properties, C, Model > Boundaries > General Link Properties



M, Masses, G, M


 N, M > Nodal Masses, C, Model > Masses > Nodal Masses


 MN, Nodal Masses, C, Model > Masses > Nodal Masses


 L, M > Loads to Masses, C, Model > Masses > Loads to Masses


 ML, Loads to Masses, C, Model > Masses > Loads to Masses



Gr, Group, G, Gr


 S, Gr > Define Structure Group, C, Model > Group > Define Structure Group


 GrS, Define Structure Group, C, Model > Group > Define Structure Group


 B, Gr > Define Boundary Group,  C, Model > Group > Define Boundary Group


 GrB, Define Boundary Group, C, Model > Group > Define Boundary Group


 L, Gr > Define Load Group, C, Model > Group > Define Load Group


 GrL, Define Load Group, C, Model > Group > Define Load Group


 T, Gr > Tendon Load Group, C, Model > Group > Define Tendon Group


 GrT, Define Tendon Groupb, C, Model > Group > Define Tendon Group



Rd, Redraw, C, View > Redraw



In, Initial View, C, View > Initial View



Dy, Dynamic View, G, Dy


Z, Dy > Zoom, C, View > Dynamic View > Zoom


DyZ, Zoom,    C, View > Dynamic View > Zoom


P, Dy > Pan,  C, View > Dynamic View > Pan


DyP, Pan,     C, View > Dynamic View > Pan


R, Dy > Rotate, C, View > Dynamic View > Rotate


DyR, Rotate, C, View > Dynamic View > Rotate



Z, Zoom, G, Z


F, Z > Fit, C, View > Zoom > Fit


ZF, Fit, C, View > Zoom > Fit


W, Z > Window, C, View > Zoom > Window


ZW, Window, C, View > Zoom > Window


I, Z > In, C, View > Zoom > In


ZI, In, C, View > Zoom > In


O, Z > Out, C, View > Zoom > Out


ZO, Out, C, View > Zoom > Out


A, Z > Auto Fitting, C, View > Zoom > Auto Fitting


ZA, Auto Fitting, C, View > Zoom > Auto Fitting



Vi, View Point, G, Vi


I, Vi > Iso, C, View > View Point > Iso


ViI, Iso, C, View > View Point > Iso


T, Vi > Top(+Z), C, View > View Point > Top (+Z)


ViT, Top(+Z), C, View > View Point > Top (+Z)


L, Vi > Left(-X), C, View > View Point > Left (-X)


ViL, Left(-X), C, View > View Point > Left (-X)


R, Vi > Right(+X), C, View > View Point > Right (+X)


ViR, Right(+X), C, View > View Point > Right (+X)


F, Vi > Front(-Y), C, View > View Point > Front (-Y)


ViF, Front(-Y), C, View > View Point > Front (-Y)


A, Vi > Angle, C, View > View Point > Angle


ViA, Angle, C, View > View Point > Angle


Sh, Shrink Elements, C, View > Shrink Elements


Pe, Perspective View, C, View > Perspective View


H, Remove Hidden Lines, C, View > Remove Hidden Lines




S, Select, G, S


Id, S > Identity, C, View > Select > Identity


SId, Identity, C, View > Select > Identity


S, S > Single, C, View > Select > Single


SS, Single, C, View > Select > Single


W, S > Window, C, View > Select > Window


SW, Window, C, View > Select > Window


Po, S > Polygon, C, View > Select > Polygon


SPo, Polygon, C, View > Select > Polygon


In, S > Intersect Line, C, View > Select > Intersect Line


SIn, Intersect Line, C, View > Select > Intersect Line


P, S > Plane, C, View > Select > Plane


SP, Plane, C, View > Select > Plane


V, S > Volume, C, View > Select > Volume


SV, Volume, C, View > Select > Volume


All, S > Select All, C, View > Select > Select All


SAll, Select All, C, View > Select > Select All


Pr, S > Select Previous, C, View > Select Previous


SPr, Select Previous, C, View > Select Previous



U, Unselect, G, U


Id, U > Identity, C, View > Unselect > Identity


Uid, Identity, C, View > Unselect > Identity


W, U > Window, C, View > Unselect > Window


UW, Window, C, View > Unselect > Window


Po, U > Polygon, C, View > Unselect > Polygon


Upo, Polygon, C, View > Unselect > Polygon


I, U > Intersect Line, C, View > Unselect > Intersect Line


UI, Intersect Line, C, View > Unselect > Intersect Line


P, U > Plane, C, View > Unselect > Plane


UP, Plane, C, View > Unselect > Plane


V, U > Volume, C, View > Unselect > Volume


UV, Volume, C, View > Unselect > Volume


All, U > Unselect All, C, View > Unselect > Unselect All


UAll, Unselect All, C, View > Unselect > Unselect All



A, Activities, G, A


A, A > Active, C, View > Activities > Active


AA, Active, C, View > Activities > Active


I, A > Inactive, C, View > Activities > Inactive


AI, Inactive, C, View > Activities > Inactive


In, A > Inverse Active, C, View > Activities > Inverse Active


AIn, Inverse Active, C, View > Activities > Inverse Active


All, A > Active All,  C, View > Activities > Active All


AAll, Active All,  C, View > Activities > Active All


Id, A > Active Identity, C, View > Activities > Active Identity


AId, Active Identity, C, View > Activities > Active Identity


P, A > Active Previous, C, View > Activities > Active Previous


AP, Active Previous, C, View > Activities > Active Previous



G, Grid, G, G


V, G > View, G, GV


GV, View, L, G > View


P, G > GV > Point Grid, C, View > Grids > Point Grid


GP, Point Grid, C, View > Grids > Point Grid


L, G > GV > Line Grid, C, View > Grids > Line Grid


GL, Line Grid, C, View > Grids > Line Grid



D, G > Define, G, GD


GD, Define Grid, L, G > Define


P, G > GD > Define Point Grid, C, Model > Grids > Define Point Grid


GCP, Define Point Grid, C, Model > Grids > Define Point Grid


L, G > GD > Define Line Grid, C, Model > Grids > Define Line Grid


GCL, Define Line Grid, C, Model > Grids > Define Line Grid



Sn, Snap, G, Sn


P, Sn > Point, C, View > Snap > Point


SnP, Point, C, View > Snap > Point


L, Sn > Line, C, View > Snap > Line


SnL, Line, C, View > Snap > Line


N, Sn > Node, C, View > Snap > Node


SnN, Node, C, View > Snap > Node


E, Sn > Element, C, View > Snap > Element


SnE, Element, C, View > Snap > Element


All, Sn > All, C, View > Snap > All


SnAll, All, C, View > Snap > All


Free, Sn > Free, C, View > Snap > Free


SnFree, Free, C, View > Snap > Free



Dis, Display, G, Dis


D, Dis > Display, C, View > Display


Dp, Display, C, View > Display


O, Dis > Display Option, C, View > Display Option


DO, Display Option, C, View > Display Option



SL, Static Load, G, SL


NL, SL > Nodal Loads,C,Load>Nodal Loads


SLNL, Nodal Loads,C,Load>Nodal Loads


EB, SL > Element Beam Loads,C,Load>Element Beam Loads


SLEB, Element Beam Loads,C,Load>element beam loads


LB, SL > Line Beam Loads, C, Load>Line Beam Loads


SLLB, Line Beam Loads,C,Load>Line beam loads


PL, SL > Pressure Loads,C,Load>Pressure loads


SLPL, Pressure Loads,C,Load>pressure Loads




TL,Temperaure Loads, G, TL


ST, TL>System Temperature,C,Load>Temperature Loads>system temperature


TLST, System Temperature,C,Load>temperature loads>system temperature


NT, TL>Nodal Temperature,C,Load>temperature loads>nodal temperatures


TLNT, Nodal Temperature,C,Load>temperature loads>nodal temperatures


ET, TL>Element Temperature,C,Load>temperature loads>element temperatures


TLET, Element Temperature,C,Load>temperature loads>element temperatures


TG, TL>Temperature Gradient,C,Load>temperature loads>temperature gradient


TLTG, Temperature Gradient,C,Load>temperature loads>temperature gradient


BT, TL>Beam Section Temperatures,C,Load>temperature loads>beam section temperatures


TLBT, Beam Section Temperatures,C,Load>temperature loads>beam section temperatures




PL, Prestress Load, G, PL


BL, PL > Prestress Beam Load, C, Load > Prestress Loads > Prestress Beam Loads


PT, PL > Pretension, C, Load > prestress Loads > pretension loads


EPT, PL > External Pretension, C, Load > prestress Loads > External Type Loadcase for pretension


TPT, PL > Tendon property, C, Load > prestress Loads > Tendon Property


TPR, PL > Tendon Profile, C, Load > prestress Loads > Tendon Profile


TPL, PL > Tendon Prestress Loads, C, Load > prestress Loads > Tendon Prestress loads



MVL, Moving Load, G, MV


Co, MV > Code, C, Load > Moving Load Analysis Data > Moving Load Code


MVC, MVL Code, C, Load > Moving Load Analysis Data > Moving Load Code


TLL, MV > Line Lanes, C, Load > Moving Load Analysis Data > Traffic Line Lanes


MVTLL, Traffic Line Lanes, C, Load > Moving Load Analysis Data > Traffic Line Lanes


TSL, MV > Surface Lanes, C, Load > Moving Load Analysis Data > Traffic Surface Lanes


MVTSL, Traffic Surface Lanes, C, Load > Moving Load Analysis Data > Traffic Surface Lanes


Ve, MV > Vehicles, C, Load > Moving Load Analysis Data > Vehicles


MVVe, Vehicles, C, Load > Moving Load Analysis Data > Vehicles


VeC, MV > Vehicle Classes, C, Load > Moving Load Analysis Data > Vehicle Classes


MVVeC, Vehicle Classes, C, Load > Moving Load Analysis Data > Vehicle Classes


CA, MV > MVL Case, C, Load > Moving Load Analysis Data > Moving Load Cases


MVCA, MVL Case, C, Load > Moving Load Analysis Data > Moving Load Cases


CR, MV > Concurrent Reaction, C, Load > Moving Load Analysis Data > Concurrent Reaction Group


MVCR, Concurrent Reaction, C, Load > Moving Load Analysis Data > Concurrent Reaction Group


LS, MV > Lane Support, C, Load > Moving Load Analysis Data > Lane Support-Negative Moment at interior piers


MVLS, Lane Support, C, Load > Moving Load Analysis Data > Lane Support-Negative Moment at interior piers



HH, Heat of Hydration, G, HH


AT, HH > Ambient Temp, C, Load > Heat of Hydration Analysis Data > Ambient Temperature Functions


CC, HH > Convection Coeff, C, Load > Heat of Hydration Analysis Data > Convection Coefficient Functions


EC, HH > Element Convection, C, Load > Heat of Hydration Analysis Data > Element Convection Boundary


PT, HH > Prescribed Temp, C, Load > Heat of Hydration Analysis Data > Prescribed Temperature


HS, HH > Heat Source, C, Load > Heat of Hydration Analysis Data > Heat Source Functions


AHS, HH > Assign HEat source, C, Load > Heat of Hydration Analysis Data > Assign Heat source


PC, HH > Pipe Cooling, C, Load > Heat of Hydration Analysis Data > Pipe Cooling


CSH, HH > CS for Hydration, C, Load > Heat of Hydration Analysis Data > Define Construction Stage for Hydration




Ana, Analysis, G, Ana


M, Ana > Main Control, C, Analysis > Main Control Data


AM, Main Control, C, Analysis > Main Control Data


PD, Ana > P-Delta, C, Analysis > P-Delta Analysis control


APD, P-Delta, C, Analysis > P-Delta Analysis control


Bu, Ana > Buckling, C, Analysis > Buckling Analysis Control


ABu, Buckling, C, Analysis > Buckling Analysis Control


EG, Ana > Eigenvalue, C, Analysis > Eigenvalue Analysis Control


AEG, Eigenvalue, C, Analysis > Eigenvalue Analysis Control


RS, Ana > Response Spectrum, C, Analysis > Response Spectrum ANalysis Control


ARS, Response Spectrum, C, Analysis > Response Spectrum ANalysis Control


HH, Ana > Heat of Hydration, C, Analysis > Heat of Hydration Analysis Control


AHH, Heat of Hydration, C, Analysis > Heat of Hydration Analysis Control


MV, Ana > Moving Load, C, Analysis > Moving Load Analysis Control


AMV, Moving Load, C, Analysis > Moving Load Analysis Control


NL, Ana > Nonlinear, C, Analysis > Nonlinear Analysis Control


ANL, Nonlinear, C, Analysis > Nonlinear Analysis Control


CS, Ana > Construction Stage, C, Analysis > Construction Stage Analysis Control


ACS, Construction Stage, C, Analysis > Construction Stage Analysis Control


SU, Ana > Suspension Bridge, C, Analysis > Suspension Bridge Analysis Control


ASU, Suspension Bridge, C, Analysis > Suspension Bridge Analysis Control


BC, Ana > Boundary Change, C, Analysis > Boundary Change Assignment to Load Cases/Analyses


ABC, Boundary Change, C, Analysis > Boundary Change Assignment to Load Cases/Analyses



Co, Combinations, C, Results > Combinations



Rea, Reactions, G, Rea


F, Rea > Reaction Forces/Moments, C, Results > Reactions > Reaction Forces/Moments


ReaF, Reaction Forces/Moments, C, Results > Reactions > Reaction Forces/Moments


S, Rea > Search Reaction Forces/Moments, C, Results > Reactions > Search Reaction Forces/Moments


ReaS, Search Reaction Forces/Moments, C, Results > Reactions > Search Reaction Forces/Moments



Def, Deformations, G, Def


S, Def > Deformed Shape, C, Results > Deformations > Deformed Shape


DeS, Deformed Shape, C, Results > Deformations > Deformed Shape


C, Def > Displacement Contour, C, Results > Deformations > Displacement Contour


DeC, Displacement Contour, C, Results > Deformations > Displacement Contour


D, Def > Search Displacements, C, Results > Deformations > Search Displacements


DeD, Search Displacements, C, Results > Deformations > Search Displacements



F, Forces, G, F


T, F > Truss, C, Results > Forces > Truss Forces


FT, Truss, C, Results > Forces > Truss Forces


B, F > Beam Forces/Moments, C, Results > Forces > Beam Forces/Moments


FB, Beam Forces/Moments, C, Results > Forces > Beam Forces/Moments


BD, F > Beam Diagrams, C, Results > Forces > Beam Diagrams


FBD, Beam Diagrams, C, Results > Forces > Beam Diagrams


P, F > Plate Forces/Moments, C, Results > Forces > Plate Forces/Moments


FP, Plate Forces/Moments, C, Results > Forces > Plate Forces/Moments


PD, F > Plate Cutting Line Diagram, C, Results > Forces > Plate Cutting Line Diagram


FPD, Plate Cutting Line Diagram, C, Results > Forces > Plate Cutting Line Diagram


W, F > Wall Forces/Moments, C, Results > Forces > Wall Forces/Moments


FW, Wall Forces/Moments, C, Results > Forces > Wall Forces/Moments


WD, F > Wall Diagrams, C, Results > Forces > Wall Diagrams


FWD, Wall Diagrams, C, Results > Forces > Wall Diagrams


M, F > Member Diagrams, C, Results > Forces > Member Diagrams


FM, Member Diagrams, C, Results > Forces > Member Diagrams




St, Stresses, G, St


T, St > Truss Stresses, C, Results > Stresses > Truss Stresses


StT, Truss Stresses, C, Results > Stresses > Truss Stresses


B, St > Beam Stresses, C, Results > Stresses > Beam Stresses


StB, Beam Stresses, C, Results > Stresses > Beam Stresses


D, St > Beam Stresses Diagram, C, Results > Stresses > Beam Stresses Diagram


StD, Beam Stresses Diagram, C, Results > Stresses > Beam Stresses Diagram


PSC, St > PSC Stress, C, Results > Stresses > Beam Stresses(PSC)


StPC, PSC Stress, C, Results > Stresses > Beam Stresses(PSC)


P, St > Plane-Stress/Plate Stresses, C, Results > Stresses > Plane-Stress/Plate Stresses


StP, Plane-Stress/Plate Stresses, C, Results > Stresses > Plane-Stress/Plate Stresses


PS, St > Plane Strain Stresses, C, Results > Stresses > Plane Strain Stresses


StPS, Plane Strain Stresses, C, Results > Stresses > Plane Strain Stresses


A, St > Axisymmetric Stresses, C, Results > Stresses > Axisymmetric Stresses


StA, Axisymmetric Stresses, C, Results > Stresses > Axisymmetric Stresses


S, St > Solid Stresses, C, Results > Stresses > Solid Stresses


StS, Solid Stresses, C, Results > Stresses > Solid Stresses




LFS, Local Direction Force Sum, C, Results > Local Direction Force Sum


V, Vibration Mode Shapes, C, Results > Vibration Mode Shapes


Bk, Buckling Mode Shape, C, Results > Buckling Mode Shapes


SG, Stage/Step history Graph, C, Results > Stage/Step history Graph


UKL, Unknown Load Factor, C, Results > unknown Load factor


bgd, Bridge Girder Diagram,C , Results > Bridge Girder Diagrams



MVT, Moving Load Tracer,G , MVT


RE, MVT > Reaction, C, Results > Moving Load Tracer > Reactions


Dis, MVT > Displacement, C, Results > Moving Load Tracer > Displacements


T, MVT > Truss Forces, C, Results > Moving Load Tracer > Truss Forces


B, MVT > Beam Force,  C, Results > Moving Load Tracer > Beam Forces/Moments


MVTB, MV Tracer of Beam, C, Results > Moving Load Tracer > Beam Forces/Moments


P, MVT > Plate,  C, Results > Moving Load Tracer > Plate Forces/Moment


BS, MVT > Beam Stress,  C, Results > Moving Load Tracer > Beam Stresses



O, Text Output, C, Results > Text Output



Mo, Model Table, G, Mo


N, Mo > Nodes Table, C, Model > Nodes > Nodes Table


MoN, Nodes Table, C, Model > Nodes > Nodes Table


E, Mo > Elements Table, C, Model > Elements > Elements Table


MoE, Elements Table, C, Model > Elements > Elements Table


M, Mo > Material Table, C, Model > Properties > Material Table


MoM, Material Table, C, Model > Properties > Material Table


Se, Mo > Section Table, C, Model > Properties > Section Table


MoSe, Section Table, C, Model > Properties > Section Table


T, Mo > Thickness Table, C, Model > Properties > Thickness Table


MoT, Thickness Table, C, Model > Properties > Thickness Table


Su, Mo > Supports Table, C, Model > Boundaries > Supports Table


MoSu, Supports Table, C, Model > Boundaries > Supports Table



RT, Result Tables, G, RT


R, RT > Reaction, C, Results > Result Tables > Reaction


RTR, Reaction, C, Results > Result Tables > Reaction


D, RT > Displacements, C, Results > Result Tables > Displacements


RTD, Displacements, C, Results > Result Tables > Displacements



T, RT > Truss, G, RTT


RTT, Truss, L, RT > Truss


Fo, RT > RTT > Force & Stress, C, Results > Result Tables > Truss > Force & Stress


RTTFo, Force & Stress, C, Results > Result Tables > Truss > Force & Stress


F, RT > RTT > Force, C, Results > Result Tables > Truss > Force


RTTF, Force, C, Results > Result Tables > Truss > Force


S, RT > RTT > Stress, C, Results > Result Tables > Truss > Stress


RTTS, Stress, C, Results > Result Tables > Truss > Stress



B, RT > Beam, G, RTB


RTB, Beam, L, RT > RTb


Fo, RT > RTB > Force & Stress, C, Results > Result Tables > Beam > Force & Stress


RTBFo, Force & Stress, C, Results > Result Tables > Beam > Force & Stress


F, RT > RTB > Force, C, Results > Result Tables > Beam > Force


RTBF, Force, C, Results > Result Tables > Beam > Force


S, RT > RTB > Stress, C, Results > Result Tables > Beam > Stress


RTBS, Stress, C, Results > Result Tables > Beam > Stress



P, RT > Plate, G, RTP


RTP, Plate, L, RT > Plate


F, RT > RTP > Force & Stress, C, Results > Result Tables > Plate > Force & Stress


RTPF, Force & Stress, C, Results > Result Tables > Plate > Force & Stress


FL, RT > RTP > Force(Local), C, Results > Result Tables > Plate > Force(Local)


RTPFL, Force(Local), C, Results > Result Tables > Plate > Force(Local)


FG, RT > RTP > Force(Global), C, Results > Result Tables > Plate > Force(Global)


RTPFG, Force(Global), C, Results > Result Tables > Plate > Force(Global)


FU, RT > RTP > Force(Unit Length), C, Results > Result Tables > Plate > Force(Unit Length)


RTPFU, Force(Unit Length), C, Results > Result Tables > Plate > Force(Unit Length)


SL, RT > RTP > Stress(Local), C, Results > Result Tables > Plate > Stress(Local)


RTPSL, Stress(Local), C, Results > Result Tables > Plate > Stress(Local)


SG, RT > RTP > Stress(Global), C , Results > Result Tables > Plate > Stress(Global)


RTPSG, Stress(Global), C , Results > Result Tables > Plate > Stress(Global)



V, RT > Vibration Mode Shape, C, Results > Result Tables > Vibration Mode Shape


RTV, Vibration Mode Shape,   C, Results > Result Tables > Vibration Mode Shape



Deg, Design, G, Deg


RC, Deg > RC-Design ,C, Design > KCI-USD03


RCD, RC-Design, C, Design > KCI-USD03