Plate Forces/Moments
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Check the distribution of member forces per unit length in plate elements in Contours or Vectors. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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From the Main Menu select Results > Forces > Plate Forces/Moments.
Select Results > Forces > Plate Forces/Moments in the Menu tab of the Tree Menu.
Click Plate Forces/Moments in the Icon Menu. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Select the desired internal force component among the following:
(a) Forces per unit length due to in-plane actions at the output locations
(b) Moments per unit length due to out-of-plane bending actions at the output locationsOutput of plate elements forces per unit length
Fxx: Axial force per unit width in the element's local or UCS x-direction (Perpendicular to local y-z plane)
Fyy: Axial force per unit width in the element's local or UCS y-direction (Perpendicular to local x-z plane)
Fxy: Shear force per unit width in the element's local or UCS x-y direction (In-plane shear)
Fmax: Maximum Principal Axial Force per unit width
Fmin: Minimum Principal Axial Force per unit width
FMax: Maximum absolute Principal Axial Force per unit width
Mxx: Bending moment per unit width in the direction of the element's local or UCS x-axis (Out-of-plane moment about local y- axis)
Myy: Bending moment per unit width in the direction of the element's local or UCS y-axis (Out-of-plane moment about local x- axis)
Mxy: Torsional moment per unit width about the element's local or UCS x-y plane
Mmax: Maximum principal bending moment per unit width
Mmin: Minimum principal bending moment per unit width
MMax: Maximum absolute Principal Moment per unit width (Larger magnitude of Mmax and Mmin)
Vxx: Shear force per unit width in the thickness direction along the element's local or UCS y-z plane
Vyy: Shear force per unit width in the thickness direction along the element's local or UCS x-z plane
VMax: Maximum absolute shear force per unit width (Larger magnitude of Vxx and Vyy)
Revision of Gen 2010
: Display the combination of bending moment (Mxx or Myy) and torsional moment (Mxy).
formula for skew reinforcement
From the analysis results, following plate forces about the local axis are calculated - mxx - myy - mxy In order to calculate design forces in the reinforcement direction, angle ¥á and ¥õ will be taken as following figure:
x, y: local axis of plate element 1, 2: reinforcement direction ¥á: angle between local x-direction and reinforcement direction 1 ¥õ: angle between reinforcement direction 1 and reinforcement direction 2
Firstly, internal forces (mxx, myy and mxy) are transformed into the a-b coordinate system.
Then, Wood-Armer moments are calculated as follows:
Fvector: Representation of maximum and minimum principal force directions and the larger absolute magnitude at the centers of plate elements
Mvector : Representation of maximum and minimum principal moment directions and larger absolute magnitude at the centers of plate elements
Vector Scale Factor: Drawing scale for the vector diagram
(a) Force per unit length due to in-plane behavior
(b) Moment per unit length due to out-of-plane behavior
Type of Display
Define the type of display as follows :
Plate Cutting Diagram dialog box
Plate Cutting Diagram Mode
Cutting Line: Produce a graph along a cutting line
Cutting Plane: Produce a graph along the line of intersection of the cutting plane and plate elements
Defined Cutting Lines
List of defined cutting lines
: Add the information contained in the Cutting Line Detail to the list of Defined Cutting Lines
: Delete a defined Cutting Line
: Modify a defined Cutting Line
Cutting Line Detail
Define a Cutting Line.
Name: Name of a Cutting Line
Pnt1: Start point of the Cutting Line
Pnt2: End point of the Cutting Line
Specify the plane in which the graph will be displayed
Normal: Display the graph perpendicular to the plate elements
In Plane:
Display the graph in the plane of the plate elements Scale Factor:
Scale factor for diagram output ratio Reverse: Express the Diagram in the reverse direction.
Value Output: Produce the output in values.
MinMax Only: Show only the maximum and minimum values when Value Output is selected.
When Cutting Plane is selected Named Planes for Cutting
Select a plane from the defined planes and UCS x-y, x-z & y-z planes
Plate Cutting Plane Detail
Normal to plate: Consider a Cutting Plane parrallel to the Local Element Coordinate System z-axis of the plate elements
On cutting plane surface: Consider a Cutting Plane as per a defined plane
Draw continuous lines: Display the graphs for plate elements placed on different planes in a continuous line.
Scale Factor: Scale factor for diagram output ratio
Reverse: Express the Diagram in the reverse direction.
Value Output: Produce the output in values.
MinMax Only: Show only the maximum and minimum values when Value Output is selected.
Value Option
Select an option to produce the absolute maximum value or the force at the center.
Max: Display the absolute maximum value among the forces of a plate element.
Element Center: Display the force at the center of a plate element.
Batch Output Generation ( , )
Given the types of analysis results for Graphic outputs, generate consecutively graphic outputs for selected load cases and combinations. A total number of files equal to the products of the numbers of checked items in the three columns of the dialog box below are created. (Details...)
Batch Output Generation dialog box
Saved Menu-Bar Info's: Listed here are the Base Files. Select the Base File Names for Batch Output.
: Delete all the Base Files selected with the mouse.
When the construction stage analysis is carried out, all the construction stages are listed. We simply select the stages of interests to be included in the batch output. If no construction stage analysis is performed, the column in the dialog box becomes inactive and lists load (combination) conditions.
Final Stage
Use Saved
Stage LCase/LComb
Step Option
Saved Step: Use only the steps used for creating the Base Files
All Steps: Use all the steps
Output Options
File Type
Auto Description: At the top left of the Graphic Outputs produced in batch, auto-generate and include the notes such as the types and components of the analysis results, construction stages and steps, load (combination) conditions, etc. The font size, color, type, etc. can be changed upon clicking the button .
File Prefix: Specify the prefix of the Graphic Files to be created. The filenames will be consisted of "Prefix"_"Base File Name"_"Load Comb.".bmp(emf) or "Prefix"_"Base File Name"_"Stage"_"Stage LCase"_"Step".bmp(emf).
: Produce the specified batch Graphic Files reflecting the contents of the dialog box.
/ Produce the contents of data input in the Base Files and Batch Output Generation dialog box in a binary type file (fn.bog). Click the button and select a fn.bog to use the same output format.
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