View Point




Assign a View Point to view the model from a desired position.




From the Main Menu select View > View Point > Iso.


From the Main Menu select View > View Point > Top(+Z).


From the Main Menu select View > View Point > Bottom(-Z).


From the Main Menu select View > View Point > Left(-X).


From the Main Menu select View > View Point > Right(+X).


From the Main Menu select View > View Point > Front(-Y).


From the Main Menu select View > View Point > Rear(+Y).


From the Main Menu select View > View Point > Angle.


From the Main Menu select View > View Point > Rotate Left.


From the Main Menu select View > View Point > Rotate Right.


From the Main Menu select View > View Point > Rotate Up.


From the Main Menu select View > View Point > Rotate Down.


Click 06-VP-1.jpg Iso View in the Icon Menu.


 Shortcut key: [Ctrl]+[Shift]+I


Click 06-VP-2.jpg Top in the Icon Menu.


 Shortcut key: [Ctrl]+[Shift]+T


Click 06-VP-3.jpg Bottom in the Icon Menu.


 Shortcut key: [Ctrl]+[Shift]+B


Click 06-VP-4.jpg Left in the Icon Menu.


 Shortcut key: [Ctrl]+[Shift]+L


Click 06-VP-5.jpg Right in the Icon Menu.


 Shortcut key: [Ctrl]+[Shift]+R


Click 06-VP-6.jpg Front View in the Icon Menu.


 Shortcut key: [Ctrl]+[Shift]+F


Click 06-VP-7.jpg Rear View in the Icon Menu.


 Shortcut key: [Ctrl]+[Shift]+E


Click 06-VP-8.jpg Angle in the Icon Menu.


Click 06-VP-9.jpg Rotate Left in the Icon Menu.


 Shortcut key: [Ctrl]+[Alt]+06-VP-13.jpg


Click 06-VP-10.jpg Rotate Right in the Icon Menu.


 Shortcut key: [Ctrl]+[Alt]+06-VP-14.jpg


Click 06-VP-11.jpg Rotate Up in the Icon Menu.


 Shortcut key: [Ctrl]+[Alt]+06-VP-15.jpg


Click 06-VP-12.jpg Rotate Down in the Icon Menu.


 Shortcut key: [Ctrl]+[Alt]+06-VP-16.jpg




00-Check.jpg Iso View


Click the relevant menu or icon to display the Isometric View of the model viewed from the coordinates (-0.483,-0.837,0.259) relative to GCS.


00-Check.jpg Top View


Click the relevant menu or icon to display the model viewed from + Z-direction.


00-Check.jpg Bottom View


Click the relevant menu or icon to display the model viewed from - Z-direction.


00-Check.jpg Left View


Click the relevant menu or icon to display the model viewed from - X-direction.


00-Check.jpg Right View


Click the relevant menu or icon to display the model viewed from + X-direction.


00-Check.jpg Front View


Click the relevant menu or icon to display the model viewed from - Y-direction.


00-Check.jpg Rear View


Click the relevant menu or icon to display the model viewed from + Y-direction.


00-Check.jpg Angle View


Click the relevant menu or icon to open the following dialog box.




          Angle View dialog box


Moving the right-hand Slide vertically rotates the axes about the horizontal axis. Moving the lower Slide horizontally rotates the axes about GCS Z-axis. Alternatively, values may be typed in the Horizontal and Vertical fields to modify View Point. Or, left-click the figure area in the dialog box and drag it to a desired position to modify View Point.


00-Check.jpg Rotate Left


Click the relevant menu or icon to rotate the model in the clockwise direction relative to the vertical direction of the screen. Use 00-Display_Option.jpg Display Option to adjust the unit rotation angle.


00-Check.jpg Rotate Right


Click the relevant menu or icon to rotate the model in counter-clockwise direction relative to the vertical direction of the screen.


00-Check.jpg Rotate Up


Click the relevant menu or icon to rotate the model upward relative to the horizontal direction of the screen.


00-Check.jpg Rotate Down


Click the relevant menu or icon to rotate the model downward relative to the horizontal direction on the screen.