Delete Elements




Delete elements.




The element deleting functions operate differently depending on the selected command.


When the [Delete] key on the keyboard or 03-D-2.jpg in the Icon Menu is to be applied, the target elements must be selected first by Select functions. If only elements are selected without their connecting nodes, the nodes remain even after the elements are deleted.


From the Main Menu select Model > Elements > Delete.


Select Geometry > Elements > Delete in the Menu tab of the Tree Menu.


Click 03-D-1.jpg Delete Elements in the Icon Menu.


Shortcut key: [Alt]+2


Press the [Delete] key on the Key Board.







Click to the right of Delete Elements: Display the Element Table.


00-Check.jpg Start Node Number


Not applicable for this command


00-Check.jpg Start Element Number


Not applicable for this command


00-Check.jpg Type


Select the method of deleting elements.


00-mouse.jpg Picking
Click the element number entry field and the elements to be deleted in the working window. Elements are immediately deleted without clicking 00-Apply.jpg. Elements may be also deleted by typing the element numbers in the element number field.



Use the Select feature to define the elements to be deleted and click 00-Apply.jpg or press the [Delete] key on the keyboard.


with Free Nodes
If the option is selected, the nodes without attributes (nodal load, boundary condition, etc.) or unconnected to elements are deleted together with the elements.