Story Disp/Vel/Accel




Generate time history graphs of displacement, velocity and acceleration for each story level, based on the time history analysis results.


This function is activated only when the Story Response of Time History Results is checked in Model > Building > Control Data.




From the Main Menu select Results > Time History Results > Story Graph > Story Displ/Vel/Accel.


Select Results > Story Graph > Story Displ/Vel/Accel in the Menu tab of the Tree Menu.







Generate displacement, velocity and acceleration at each story level for the time history analysis.  


 0-Check.jpg Direction


Specify a direction of displacement, velocity or acceleration.







  0-Check.jpgType of Story Result


Specify a story result type.


Displ.: displacement



Relative, Absolute, Story Drift, and Story Drift Ratio can be selected in the box below "Type of Story Result"

Vel.: velocity



Relative, Absolute, and Story Drift can be selected in the box below "Type of Story Result"

Accel.: acceleration



Relative, Absolute, and Story Drift can be selected in the box below "Type of Story Result"



    0-Check.jpg Min/Max


Min: Display the minimum displacement, velocity or acceleration for each story level.


Max: Display the maximum displacement, velocity or acceleration for each story level.


Abs. Max: Display the maximum absolute displacement, velocity or acceleration for each story level.



 0-Check.jpgType of Display


Enter a title of the time history graph and a format of output for axes.


Graph Title: Title of time history graph



 0-Check.jpg Time History Case


Select a load case for which a time history graph will be produced.