Story Drift Table




Check the story drifts due to static and dynamic loads in a spreadsheet format table.


"Story Shear Force Ratio" in "Model/Building/Control Data" must be checked for this function, which is checked as the Default.


The types of story drifts, which can be checked in Story Drift Table, are as follows:


1. Maximum Drift


2. Drift at the Center of Mass


3. Average Drift of Vertical Elements at each floor


4. Drift of Selected Node Line, which passes through a node selected by user vertically


5. Average Drift of Extreme Nodes Lines


6. Shear Weighted Average Drift of Vertical Elements


When "Story Shear Force Ratio>Consider Story Module" is checked in the "Model/Building/Control Data", accurate shear forces can be obtained for the story having the overlapping Module.


When Modules are defined in Results > Result Tables > Story > Define Module, the Module data is displayed in the first column of the table.


When the ratios exceed the allowable limit, they appear in red and 'Irregular' is printed in the Remark.


Table Tool in midas Gen offers a variety of powerful built-in functions. Refer to the following items for detail directions:

Usage of Table Tool




Familiarize with Usage


Basic directions (Cell motion, selection, size control, etc.)


Data manipulation (Add, delete, modify data, etc.)


Copy/Paste data using clipboard


Supplementary Table functions


Table Sorting


Table format setting


Auto-fit column width


Graph printing


Supplementary functions by Table types


Node/Element Table


Results Table




From the Main Menu select Results > Result Tables > Story > Story Drift.


Select Result Tables > Story > Story Drift in the Tables tab of the Tree Menu.





From Records Activation Dialog, select the load cases for which story drifts will be calculated.


Refer to Results Table of "Usage of Table Tool" for the usage of Records Activation Dialog.




   Record Activation dialog box


Refer to Usage of Table Tool and check the following data:



0-rectangle.jpgWhen Modules are not defined


Drift(X): Story drift in GCS X-direction (Click lower left tab)


Drift(Y): Story drift in GCS Y-direction (Click lower left tab)


Drift(Combined): Combined story drift of both GCS X, Y-directions (Click lower left tab)  02-SD-2.jpg






Load Case: Unit load case/combination


Story: Story ID


Story Height: Story Height


P-Delta Incremental Factor(ad): When P-Delta analysis is performed, the incremental factor becomes 1.0 irrespective of calculation results.


For a story drift used for calculating the P-Delta Incremental Factor (ad), the "Maximum Drift of All Vertical Elements"is used. (Story drift as per "Story Drift Calculation Method" is not used in calculating the P-Delta Incremental Factor (ad) since the values are different depending upon the method used.)

Allowable Story Drift Ratio



1. Maximum Drifts of All Vertical Elements


Maximum drifts are produced for each story.


Node: Node numbers corresponding to the maximum story drifts at each story level


Story Drift: Incremental lateral displacement over two consecutive story levels


Modified Drift: Incremental factor for P-Delta effect * Deflection Amplification Factor * Story Drift * Scale Factor / Importance Factor


Story Drift Ratio: Modified Drift / Story height


Remark: Acceptance of story drift ratio relative to the allowable story drift ratio



2. Drift at the Center of Mass


Difference in lateral displacements at the centers of mass at top and bottom ends is produced.


Drift Factor (Maximum / Current): Maximum story drift / Story drift at center of mass


Refer to Maximum Drift for the remainder.






3. Average Drift of Vertical Elements


Average story drift at a corresponding story is produced.


Drift Factor (Maximum / Current): Maximum story drift / Drift at the selected node line


Refer to Maximum Drift for the remainder.


The items 3, 4, 5 & 6 are produced by right-clicking the mouse on the table followed by selecting specific items in 'Select Calculation Method'.



4. Drift of a Vertical Line on Selected Node


Story drifts at a user selected node and the nodes, which are located on the vertical line passing the selected node, are produced.


Drift Factor (Maximum / Current): Maximum story drift / Story drift at user-selected node


Refer to Maximum Drift for the remainder.



5. Average Drift of Vertical Lines on Selected Nodes


Average story drifts of building column lines selected by the user are produced.  The column lines here should be selected at the extremities of the building plan.


Drift Factor (Maximum / Current): Maximum story drift / Average story drift of the building plan extremities


Refer to Maximum Drift for the remainder.




                Context Menu (Select Calculation Method)



             Story Drift Calculation Method dialog box



  6. Shear Weighted Average Drift of Vertical Elements


Shear forces in the vertical members are reflected into the story drifts.


The shear weighted average drift is produced only when the 'Story Shear Force Ratio of Member' option is applied in Model>Building>Control data.


Story Drift:



02-SD-8.jpg : member shear force at story


02-SD-9.jpg : horizontal displacement of each story member


Drift Factor (Maximum / Current): Maximum story drift / shear weighted average story drift

Refer to Maximum Drift for the remainder.



7. Context Menu


The user provides the data for calculating modified story drifts and P-Delta incremental factors.  These are required values for generating the table.  When Table is invoked, the set Story Drift Parameters window is executed first.  




             Context Menu (Set Story Drift Parameters)



              Set Story Drift Parameters dialog box



            Modify Beta dialog box



Response Modification Coefficient


Deflection Amplification Factor


Importance Factor


Scale Factor: Cm, Scale-up Factor


Vertical Load Combination: Define a vertical load condition to consider the P-Delta effect.


Define Beta: Design Shear Force/Shear Capacity at a story in question, which can be defined by the user for each story


All the items other than
Response Modification Coefficient are applied only for IBC 2000 and KBC 2005.



0-rectangle.jpgWhen Modules are defined


The Module column is generated only when the Modules are defined. Story drifts are calculated as per the following Note.

Drift(X): Story drift in GCS X-direction (Click lower left tab)


Drift(Y): Story drift in GCS Y-direction (Click lower left tab)


Drift(Combined): Combined story drift of both GCS X, Y-directions (Click lower left tab) 02-SD-2.jpg






Method of calculating Story Drift for each Module



Module Example






1. Story drifts for the top floors of each Module are not generated.


2. Maximum Drift of All Vertical Elements


Drift at 4F of A_Module (left) is the maximum of story drifts for all the vertical elements at 4F (differences between the displacements at 4F and 5F). Drift at 4F of B_Module (right) is the maximum of story drifts for all the vertical members at 4F (differences between the displacements at 4F and 6F). Drift at 4F of C_Module (base) is not generated.


3. Drift at the Center of Mass


1) For a story assigned with Story Diaphragm:


The drift at 4F of A_Module (left) is the difference between the displacement at a point on 4F, which is generated when the Diaphragm Center (Mass Center) of 5F is projected on 4F, and the displacement at Mass Center of 5F. The drift at 4F of B_Module (right) is similarly calculated. A projected point on 4F is assumed to be included in the Diaphragm of 4F when calculating the displacement.


2) For a story without Story Diaphragm:


Average story drifts of vertical elements are used. To consider the case when specific wall elements are divided into smaller elements, first obtain the average drifts for each area and then obtain an average of all the average drifts.


Ex) When 5F is assigned with a diaphragm and 4F not assigned with a diaphragm (slab is modeled by using plate elements), the drift is the difference between the displacement at diaphragm center of 5F and the average displacement of vertical elements at 4F.


Module: Module name is defined in Define Module


Load Case: Unit load case/combination


Story: Story ID


Story Height: Story Height


P-Delta Incremental Factor(ad): When P-Delta analysis is performed, the incremental factor becomes 1.0 irrespective of calculation results.



For a story drift used for calculating the P-Delta Incremental Factor (ad), the “Maximum Drift of All Vertical Elements” is used. (Story drift as per “Story Drift Calculation Method” is not used in calculating the P-Delta Incremental Factor (ad) since the values are different depending upon the method used.)

Allowable Story Drift Ratio



1. Maximum Drifts of All Vertical Elements


Maximum drifts are produced for each story.


Node: Node numbers corresponding to the maximum story drifts at each story level


Story Drift: Incremental lateral displacement over two consecutive story levels


Modified Drift: Incremental factor for P-Delta effect * Deflection Amplification Factor * Story Drift * Scale Factor / Importance Factor


Story Drift Ratio: Modified Drift / Story height


Remark: Acceptance of story drift ratio relative to the allowable story drift ratio



2. Drift at the Center of Mass


Difference in lateral displacements at the centers of mass at top and bottom ends is produced.


Drift Factor (Maximum / Current): Maximum story drift / Story drift at center of mass


Refer to Maximum Drift for the remainder.






3. Average Drift of Vertical Elements


Average story drift at a corresponding story is produced.


Drift Factor (Maximum / Current): Maximum story drift / Drift at the selected node line


Refer to Maximum Drift for the remainder.


The items 3, 4, 5 & 6 are produced by right-clicking the mouse on the table followed by selecting specific items in 'Select Calculation Method'.


Story drifts at a user selected node and the nodes, which are located on the vertical line passing the selected node, are produced.


Drift Factor (Maximum / Current): Maximum story drift / Story drift at user-selected node


Refer to Maximum Drift for the remainder.



5. Average Drift of Vertical Lines on Selected Nodes


Average story drifts of building column lines selected by the user are produced.  The column lines here should be selected at the extremities of the building plan.


Drift Factor (Maximum / Current): Maximum story drift / Average story drift of the building plan extremities


Refer to Maximum Drift for the remainder.




              Context Menu (Select Calculation Method)



              Story Drift Calculation Method dialog box



6. Shear Weighted Average Drift of Vertical Elements


Shear forces in the vertical members are reflected into the story drifts.


The shear weighted average drift is produced only when the 'Story Shear Force Ratio of Member' option is applied in Model>Building>Control data.


Story Drift:


02-SD-8.jpg: member shear force at story


02-SD-9.jpg: horizontal displacement of each story member


Drift Factor (Maximum / Current): Maximum story drift / shear weighted average story drift


Refer to Maximum Drift for the remainder.



7. Context Menu


The user provides the data for calculating modified story drifts and P-Delta incremental factors.  These are required values for generating the table.  When Table is invoked, the set Story Drift Parameters window is executed first.  




             Context Menu (Set Story Drift Parameters)



               Set Story Drift Parameters dialog box



                Modify Beta dialog box



Response Modification Coefficient


Deflection Amplification Factor


Importance Factor


Scale Factor: Cm, Scale-up Factor


Vertical Load Combination: Define a vertical load condition to consider the P-Delta effect.


All the items other than Response Modification Coefficient are applied only for IBC 2000 and KBC 2005.