Serviceability Parameters




Define stress parameters, control parameters of crack and deflection for serviceability checks.


Concrete Serviceability Parameters are applied to beam members only.




From the  Main Menu select Design > Concrete Design Parameter > Serviceability Parameters


Select Design > Concrete Design Parameter > Serviceability Parameters in the Menu tab of the Tree Menu






Select a beam member from the Model View to enter the following parameters:




Add/Replace: Add a new value or modify a predefined value.


Delete: Delete a predefined value.



0-Check.jpgSelection Type


Select all the members ('All' or select the members by using 'By Selection'



0-Check.jpgExposure Class


Select the Exposure Class (For further details, refer to Table 4.1 of EN 1992-1-1:2004(E)).


Depending on the selected Exposure Class, Stress Parameters and Crack Control options are automatically inputted and, in addition, can be modified by the user.



0-Check.jpgStress Parameters


Enter the strength reduction coefficients. The default values can be changed according to the specified national annex in Concrete Design Code.



0-Check.jpgCrack Control


Enter the limiting crack widths. (For further details, refer to Table 7.1N of EN 1992-1-1:2004(E)).


Crack Control menus become activated or inactivated depending upon the Exposure Class.



0-Check.jpgQuasi-permanent Deflection Ctrl


Enter the limiting deflections for Quasi-permanent combination of loads.



0-Check.jpgCharacteristic Deflection Ctrl


Enter the limiting deflections for Characteristic combination of loads.



0-Check.jpgDeflection Amplification Factor


Enter the Deflection Amplification Factor.