Select a beam member from the Model View to enter the following parameters:
Add/Replace: Add a new value or modify a predefined value.
Delete: Delete a predefined value.
Selection Type
Select all the members ('All' or select the members by using 'By Selection'
Exposure Class
Select the Exposure Class (For further details, refer to Table 4.1 of EN 1992-1-1:2004(E)).
Depending on the selected Exposure Class, Stress Parameters and Crack Control options are automatically inputted and, in addition, can be modified by the user.
Stress Parameters
Enter the strength reduction coefficients. The default values can be changed according to the specified national annex in Concrete Design Code.
Crack Control
Enter the limiting crack widths. (For further details, refer to Table 7.1N of EN 1992-1-1:2004(E)).
Crack Control menus become activated or inactivated depending upon the Exposure Class.
Quasi-permanent Deflection Ctrl
Enter the limiting deflections for Quasi-permanent combination of loads.
Characteristic Deflection Ctrl
Enter the limiting deflections for Characteristic combination of loads.
Deflection Amplification Factor
Enter the Deflection Amplification Factor.