



Display specific symbols or numerical values for various attributes to check the data entry status on the screen. The information can be node and element numbers, material properties, section types, boundary conditions, loads, etc.




From the Main Menu select View > Display > Display > Display.


Click image66.gif Display in the Icon Menu.


Shortcut key: [Ctrl]+E





The types of specific symbols and numerical values that can be represented are as follows:


00-Check.jpg Node tab




Node Number


Story Name


Node Local Axis: Coordinate axes displayed at the nodes assigned with nodal local coordinate systems.


00-Check.jpg Element tab


Element Number


Element Type Number


Element Type Name


Wall Type


Wall ID: Wall combination numbers


Gap: Gap Element shape


Hook: Hook Element shape


Cable: Cable Element shape


Local Axis: Element's local coordinate axes


Local Direction: Nodal connection directions of elements (i >> j node, N1 > N2 > N3 > N4)


00-Check.jpg Property tab


Material Number


Material Name


Property Number: Section or thickness numbers


Property Name: Section or thickness names


Section Shape: Sectional shapes of line elements


Tapered Section Group: Elements assigned to the Tapered (variable) Section Group



00-Check.jpg Boundary tab


All: Display the boundary conditions include in all the boundary groups.


Group Selection: Display the boundary conditions included in the selected boundary group.


22-D-3.jpg  Prompt Select Boundary Group dialog box to select Boundary Group.

Support: Display the constrained nodal degrees-of-freedom (22-D-6.jpg)

Support by Direction: Display the constrained nodal degrees-of-freedom with a Digit (0: released, 1: constrained) (22-D-7.jpg)

Point Spring Support: Display Point Spring Support (22-D-8.jpg)

Point Spring Support (Comp/Tens) : Display Comp.-only/Tens.-only type Point Spring Support

Point Spring Support (Multi-Linear) : Display Multi-Linear type Point Spring Support

Point Spring Support by Direction : Display Linear, Comp.-only, Tens.-only and Multi-Linear type of point spring support with a Digit (0: released, 1: constrained) (22-D-9.jpg)

General Spring Support


Beam End Release


Symbol: Symbol of beam end release condition


Digit: Beam end release condition by degree-of-freedom with a Digit (0: connected, 1: released)


Beam End Offset


Plate End Release


Symbol: Symbol of beam end release condition


Digit: Beam end release condition by degree-of-freedom with a Digit (0: connected, 1: released)


Rigid Link: Master node/slave nodes


Elastic Link: Elastic link between two nodes


Local Axis: Element's local coordinate axes of elastic link elements


Story Diaphragm: Display entry status of Story Diaphragm


Diaphragm Disconnect: Display the state of Floor Rigid Diaphragm release.


00-Check.jpg Misc tab




Nodal Mass: State of Nodal Mass data entry


Load to Mass: Gravity load converted into mass


Floor Diaphragm Mass: State of Floor Diaphragm Mass data entry


Story Mass, Stiffness: Display Story Mass Center and Stiffness Center.


It can be checked in the post-processing mode when Story Center for Eccentricity Ratio is selected in Model > Building > Control Data.


Moving Load


Line Lane: Traffic (line) lane


Surface Lane: Traffic (surface) lane


Influence Surface: Elements inclined in Influence Surface analysis


Lane Support: Continuous span supports


Dynamic Nodal load: Dynamic Nodal Loads for time history analysis


Initial Forces for Geometric Stiffness: State of Initial Axial Forces data entry for Geometric Stiffness


Push Over Hinges: Display the hinges formed in the process of Pushover Analysis


Symbol: Display the symbol representing hinges


Type: Display the defined types of hinges


Name: Display the hinges by names


Hydration Heat: State of data entry for Heat of Hydration


Value: Numerical data


Func Name: Function Name of data related to Heat of Hydration


Element Convection Boundary


Prescribed Temperature


Heat Source


Pipe Cooling Elements


Settlement Group: Settlement Group for a bridge structure


Value: Magnitude of settlement


Erection Sequence


Model: Erection Sequence for the structure


Load: Loads pertaining to Erection Sequence


From ~ To ~: Select of multiple Erection Sequence


Tendon Profile: Display the Tendon Profile


Name: Tendon name


Point: Reference point for defining the tendon profile


00-Check.jpg Load tab


Load Case
Select the load case for which the load input status will be displayed and assign whether to display the load values.


All: Select all the load cases


Load Value: Option to display the load values


Note 1
If Floor Load Name is checked the load values defined for Floor Load Type are also displayed.


Case Selection: Select a desired load case


Group Selection: Select the desired Load Group


22-D-3.jpg: Prompt Select Load Group dialog box to select Load Group




The following data related to loads, masses and moving loads may be displayed:


Nodal Load: Nodal concentrated loads


Specified Displacement: Forced displacements


Beam Load


Prestress Load


Pretension Load


Floor Load: Display floor plate loads converted into beam loads


Floor Load Name


Note 1
When Floor Load Name and Load Value are checked, the Load Values for each load cases defined in Floor Load Type are displayed.
If Load Type Color as assigned to Floor Load Color under the Draw Tab of Display Option, colors can be assigned to each Floor Load Type thereby allowing us to check the Floor Loads readily.


Note 2
From the Floor Load Name in Display, load distribution Type can be checked.

ex) One Way =(One), Two Way =(Two), Polygon - Centroid =(P-C), Polygon-Length = (P-L)


Note 3
The display of Floor Load Name is located at the center of the Floor Load application area.  If the center deviates from the application (loaded) area, Floor Load Name is displayed on the line connecting the 1st point and 2nd point.


Note 4
Display an arrow in the direction of floor load (One Way) at the center. Load direction is displayed following the Load Angle(A1) entered in
Assign Floor Loads.


Pressure Load


Plane Load: Display plane loads applied to a plane


Plane Load Name: Display the plane loads


Nodal Temperature


Element Temperature


Temperature Gradient


Beam Section Temperature


Tendon Prestress


Wind Load


Seismic Load: Statically equivalent seismic loads


Dynamic Nodal Load: Dynamic Nodal Loads for time history analysis


00-Check.jpg View tab


UCS Axis: Display UCS or GCS axes at the origin


View Point: Display GCS axes at the lower-right corner of the screen



Description is displayed at the top-left position of the current Model Window. The size of the lower entry window dose not affect the size of entry.


Font: Assign the font, size and type of the description.


The description displayed on the Model Window can be dragged and moved.


Label Orientation:


00-Check.jpg Design tab


Member: Display the assigned members.


Display color gradient of the element when Hidden option is selected in the preprocessing mode.


Member Direction: Display the direction of the nodal connection of members.


Display color gradient of the element when Hidden option is selected in the preprocessing mode, and display the direction of the arrow so as to represent elements as Wire Frame in the post-processing mode.


Member Number: Display the index of the assigned member.


Unbraced Length Ly: Display the unbraced length about the strong axis of the selected member.


Unbraced Length Lz: Display the unbraced length about the weak axis of the selected member.


Lb: Laterally braced length


Effective Length Factor Ky: Display the effective buckling length factor about user-defined strong axis.


Effective Length Factor Kz: Display the effective buckling length factor about user-defined weak axis.


Effective Length Factor Ky Contour: Display the effective buckling length factor about auto-defined strong axis.


Effective Length Factor Kz Contour: Display the effective buckling length factor about auto-defined weak axis.


Moment Factor Cmy: Display equivalent moment factor for bending about the member’s strong axis within the unbraced length.


Moment Factor Cmz: Display equivalent moment factor for bending about the member’s weak axis within the unbraced length.


Moment Magnifier B1y | Delta-by: Moment magnification factor for members subjected to vertical loads in a frame braced against sidesway for strong axis bending


Moment Magnifier B1y | Delta-bz: Moment magnification factor for members subjected to vertical loads in a frame braced against sidesway for weak axis bending


Moment Magnifier B2y | Delta-sy: Moment magnification factor for members subjected to horizontal loads in a frame unbraced against sidesway for strong axis bending


Moment Magnifier B2z | Delta-sy: Moment magnification factor for members subjected to horizontal loads in a frame unbraced against sidesway for weak axis bending


Member Type: Display the type of members.


Wall Mark


Member Type


Bending Coefficient (Cb)


Shear Coefficient (Cv)



00-Check.jpg Display  by Group


Display specific symbols or values for selected group in the screen.


00-Check.jpg Display by Selection


Display specific symbols or values for selected elements or nodes on the screen.


00-Check.jpg Display by Member


Display specific symbols or values of the items assigned from each tab for only the selected members on the screen.


: Open the image67.gif Display Option Dialog box.


: Initialize the entry status by deleting all labels except for the node label.