



When creating nodes or elements or assigning attributes with the mouse cursor and if the mouse is moved to the vicinity of a desired grid, node or element, Snap allows the mouse cursor to automatically snap to the relevant position.




From the Main Menu select View > Grids/Snap > Snap > Point.


From the Main Menu select View > Grids/Snap > Snap > Line.


From the Main Menu select View > Grids/Snap > Snap > Node.


From the Main Menu select View > Grids/Snap > Snap > Element.


From the Main Menu select View > Grids/Snap > Snap > All.


From the Main Menu select View > Grids/Snap > Snap > Free.






image60.gif Point Grid Snap


Snap the mouse cursor to the contiguous Grid Point.


Point Grid is set by image58.gif Define Point Grid.


    image61.gif Line Grid Snap


Snap the mouse cursor to the contiguous Grid Line intersection.


Line Grid is set by image59.gif Define Line Grid.


image62.gif Node Snap


Snap the mouse cursor to the contiguous node.


image63.gif Element Snap


Snap the mouse cursor to the center of the contiguous element.


In the case of line grid, use Snap Point ( ) to the right of the Status Bar at the bottom of the screen to control particular snap positions. For example, if the trisection of an element is snapped, click and assign 1/3.


This function can be extremely useful, for example, when generating sub-beams connected to existing girders.


image64.gif Snap All


Set all the above functions effective.


image65.gif Snap Free


Undo all the snap functions.


Click the above icons separately to release certain snap functions (Toggle On/Off).




Example of using various Snap functions