Click to the right of Supports: Display the Support Table
Boundary Group Name
Select a Boundary Group in which the specified boundary condition is included. Select "Default" if Group assignment is unnecessary. Click to the right to prompt the "Define Boundary Group" dialog box to add, modify or delete Boundary Groups.
Add: Add new restraints to selected nodes
Replace: Replace previously defined restraints on selected nodes
Delete: Delete previously defined restraints on selected nodes
Support Type
Select the components of the degrees of freedom of the selected nodes to be restrained. The components correspond to the GCS (Nodal local coordinate system if it is defined) (refer to "Coordinate system and nodes").
D-ALL: All displacement degrees-of-freedom
Dx: Displacement degree-of-freedom in GCS X-direction
(Nodal local x-axis direction)
Dy: Displacement degree-of-freedom in GCS Y-direction
(Nodal local y-axis direction)
Dz: Displacement degree-of-freedom in GCS Z-direction
(Nodal local z-axis direction)
R-ALL: All rotational degrees-of-freedom
Rx: Rotational degree-of-freedom about GCS X-axis
(Nodal local x-axis)
Ry: Rotational degree-of-freedom about GCS Y-axis
(Nodal local y-axis)
Rz: Rotational degree-of-freedom about GCS Z-axis
(Nodal local z-axis)
Rw: Warping degree-of-freedom about GCS X-axis (Node's local x-axis)