Define Column Capital




Define the Column Capital to be installed on the top of the column.




From the Main Menu select Node/Element > Flat/Plate Structure > Column Capital > Define Column Capital.




Define Column Capital



   1. Add: Add Column Capital section.

   2. Modify:Modify already defined Column Capital.

   3. Delete: Delete an already defined Column Capital.




  1. Name: Enter the name of Column Capital.
Description: Enter the description if you want.

  3. Shape

    - B1, B2: Enter the dimension of column for local Y-axial .
    (Enter a real number greater than 0)

    - H1, H2: Enter the dimension of column for local Z-axial .
    (Enter as a real number greater than 0)

   If the column is not rotated, the Global X direction is entered as H and

   the Global Y direction as B.

  4. Auto Rigid Link

   If you want to set the joints of other members in the column capital area

   as rigid links, check on the option.

   At this time, Master node is assigned top node of selected column, and

   other nodes in the Column Capital area are set as Slave Nodes.