Fiber Material Properties
Stress-strain relationships between reinforcing steel and concrete are defined to carry out pushover analysis using Fiber Elements. Each model is unique based on the proponents and specifications. |
From the Main Menu select Pushover > Properties > Hinge Properties > Define Inelastic material Properties. |
Each beam element's cross-section is divided into small fibers, and each fiber cell within the cross-section retains a linear and nonlinear Stress-Strain relationship.
The properties of fiber materials are defined.
Name: Name of a fiber element model to be defined
Material Type: Steel or concrete for which a hysteresis model will be defined
Hysteresis Model: Select a hysteresis model to define a fiber element out of 4 reinforcing steel models and 5 concrete models.
Skeleton Curve: Specify the property values defining the hysteretic behavior of the fiber material following the diagram.