Define Drop Panel




Define the Drop Panel to be installed on the top of the column.




From the Main Menu select Node/Element > Flat/Plate Structure > Drop Panel > Define Drop Panel.




Define Drop Panel




  Add Drop Panel section.



  Modify already defined Drop Panel.



  Delete an already defined Drop Panel.




    Select the location of drop panel for column  



    - B1, B2: Enter the Global Y-axial dimension.

                  (Enter a real number greater than 0).

    - H1, H2: Enter the Global X-axial dimension .
    (Enter as a real number greater than 0).



    Enter the thickness of the slab which is located in the Drop Panel area. In other words, enter the thickness of the Drop Panel including the slab thickness.



    Set the angle of the Drop Panel area. The default  beta angle of the column is 0 for the global X axis, and if you input a positive (+) value, it would rotate counterclockwise. You can independently set it regardless of the column angle.