View Point




Assign a View Point to view the model from a desired position.




From the Main Menu select View > Dynamic View > View Point > Iso.


 Shortcut key: [Ctrl]+[Shift]+I


From the Main Menu select View > Dynamic View > View Point > Top(+Z).


 Shortcut key: [Ctrl]+[Shift]+T


From the Main Menu select View > Dynamic View > View Point > Bottom(-Z).


 Shortcut key: [Ctrl]+[Shift]+B


From the Main Menu select View > Dynamic View > View Point > Left(-X).


 Shortcut key: [Ctrl]+[Shift]+L


From the Main Menu select View > Dynamic View > View Point > Right(+X).


 Shortcut key: [Ctrl]+[Shift]+R


From the Main Menu select View > Dynamic View > View Point > Front(-Y).


 Shortcut key: [Ctrl]+[Shift]+F


From the Main Menu select View > Dynamic View > View Point > Rear(+Y).


 Shortcut key: [Ctrl]+[Shift]+E


From the Main Menu select View > Dynamic View > View Point > Angle.


From the Main Menu select View > Dynamic View > View Point > Rotate Left.


 Shortcut key: [Ctrl]+[Alt]+


From the Main Menu select View > Dynamic View > View Point > Rotate Right.


 Shortcut key: [Ctrl]+[Alt]+


From the Main Menu select View > Dynamic View > View Point > Rotate Up.


 Shortcut key: [Ctrl]+[Alt]+


From the Main Menu select View > Dynamic View > View Point > Rotate Down.


 Shortcut key: [Ctrl]+[Alt]+




Click Iso View in the Icon Menu.


Click Top in the Icon Menu.


Click Right in the Icon Menu.


Click Front View in the Icon Menu.


Click Angle in the Icon Menu.





Iso View


Click the relevant menu or icon to display the Isometric View of the model viewed from the coordinates (-0.483,-0.837,0.259) relative to GCS.


Top View


Click the relevant menu or icon to display the model viewed from + Z-direction.


Bottom View


Click the relevant menu or icon to display the model viewed from - Z-direction.


Left View


Click the relevant menu or icon to display the model viewed from - X-direction.


Right View


Click the relevant menu or icon to display the model viewed from + X-direction.


Front View


Click the relevant menu or icon to display the model viewed from - Y-direction.


Rear View


Click the relevant menu or icon to display the model viewed from + Y-direction.


Angle View


Click the relevant menu or icon to open the following dialog box.



Moving the right-hand Slide vertically rotates the axes about the horizontal axis. Moving the lower Slide horizontally rotates the axes about GCS Z-axis. Alternatively, values may be typed in the Horizontal and Vertical fields to modify View Point. Or, left-click the figure area in the dialog box and drag it to a desired position to modify View Point.


Rotate Left


Click the relevant menu or icon to rotate the model in the clockwise direction relative to the vertical direction of the screen. Use Display Option to adjust the unit rotation angle.


Rotate Right


Click the relevant menu or icon to rotate the model in counter-clockwise direction relative to the vertical direction of the screen.


Rotate Up


Click the relevant menu or icon to rotate the model upward relative to the horizontal direction of the screen.


Rotate Down


Click the relevant menu or icon to rotate the model downward relative to the horizontal direction on the screen.