Truss Forces
Check axial forces in Truss, Tension-only, Cable, Hook, Compression-only, Gap Elements in contours. |
From the Main Menu select Results > Results > Forces > Truss Forces.
Contour |
Display the displacement of the model in contour. |
Ranges: Define the contour ranges.
Number of Colors: Assign the number of colors to be included in the contour (select among 6, 12, 18, 24 colors) Colors: Assign or control the colors of the displacement contour.
Color Table: Assign the type of Colors.
Reverse Contour: Check on to reverse the sequence of color variation in the contour.
Contour Line: Assign the boundary line color of the contour
Element Edge: Assign the color of element edges while displaying the contour Contour Options: Specify options for contour representation
Contour Fill Gradient Fill: Display color gradient (shading) in the contour.
Draw Contour Line Only
Mono line: Display the boundaries of the contour in a mono color.
Contour Annotation
Coarse Contour (faster) (for large plate or solid model)
Extrude |
Deform |
Display the deformed shape of the model. |
Deformation Scale Factor Deformation Type Nodal Deform: Display the deformed shape reflecting only the nodal displacements. Real Displacement (Auto-Scale off): The true deformation of the structure is graphically represented without magnifying or reducing it. This option is typically used for geometric nonlinear analysis reflecting large displacement.
Relative Displacement: The deformation of the structure is graphically represented relative to the minimum nodal displacement, which is set to "0" |
Values |
Display the nodal displacements in numerical values. |
Decimal Points: Assign decimal points for the displayed numbers
Min & Max: Display the maximum and minimum values
Note |
Legend |
Display various references related to analysis results to the right or left of the working window.
Element numbers pertaining to the maximum and minimum forces are displayed. |
Legend Position : Position of the legend in the display window
Rank Value Type: Specify a type of values in the Legend and the number of decimal points. |
Animate |
Dynamically simulate the transition process.
Click |
Animation Mode: Determine the type of animation for analysis results.
Animate Contour: Option to change the color of the contour representing the transition according to the magnitudes of variation
Note AVI Options: Enter the options required to produce the animation window.
Bits per Pixel: Number of bits per pixel to create the default window for animation Construction Stage Option: Select the animation options when the construction stage analysis is performed.
Stage Animation: Animations by construction stages |
Undeformed |
Overlap the undeformed and deformed shapes of the model. |
Mirrored |
"Mirrored" allows the user to expand the analysis results obtained from a half or quarter model into the results for the full model by reflecting planes. |
Half Model Mirroring |
Assign the section locations at which internal forces of the truss elements are produced in numerical values.
i: Display the axial force at the start node (N1) of a truss element.
j: Display the axial force at the end node (N2) of a truss element.
Max: Display the maximum axial force among the forces at the quarter points of each truss element, at the center of each element.
All: Display i, j & Max simultaneously.
Given the types of analysis results for Graphic outputs, generate consecutively graphic outputs for selected load cases and combinations. A total number of files equal to the products of the numbers of checked items in the three columns of the dialog box below are created.
Assign a Base File Name under which the types of results (selection data in the Batch Output Generation dialog box for graphic outputs) are stored. |
Specify the Base Files to perform Batch Output Generation, construction stages, load cases (combinations), steps, etc. in the following dialog box. |
Saved Menu-Bar Info's: Listed here are the Base Files. Select the Base File Names for Batch Output.
: Delete all the Base Files selected with the mouse.
When the construction stage analysis is carried out, all the construction stages are listed. We simply select the stages of interests to be included in the batch output. If no construction stage analysis is performed, the column in the dialog box becomes inactive and lists load (combination) conditions.
The results output of all the construction stages are produced. The construction stages are listed below.
Final Stage Loads
The results output for only the Final Stage are produced. The construction stages are listed below. If no construction stage analysis is performed, the load (combination) conditions are listed.
Use Saved
Apply only the (saved) step or load (combination) condition selected at the time of creating each Base File.
Stage LCase/LComb
When the construction stage analysis is carried out, the auto-generated construction stage load conditions and the additionally entered construction stage load combinations are listed. Check on only the load (combination) conditions that will be used to produce batch outputs. This column becomes inactive if Final Stage Loads?is selected or no construction stage analysis is carried out.
Step Option
Specify the steps for which the outputs will be produced when the construction stage analysis or large displacement geometric nonlinear analysis is performed.
Saved Step: Use only the steps used for creating the Base Files
All Steps: Use all the steps
Output Options
Output File Type
Select a Graphic File type, either BMP or EMF.
Auto Description: At the top left of the Graphic Outputs produced in batch, auto-generate and include the notes such as the types and components of the analysis results, construction stages and steps, load (combination) conditions, etc. The font size, color, type, etc. can be changed upon clicking the button .
Output Path
Specify the path for saving the graphic files to be produced in batch.
File Prefix: Specify the prefix of the Graphic Files to be created. The filenames will be consisted of "Prefix"_"Base File Name"_"Load Comb.".bmp(emf) or "Prefix"_"Base File Name"_"Stage"_"Stage LCase"_"Step".bmp(emf).
: Produce the specified batch Graphic Files reflecting the contents of the dialog box.
Produce the contents of data input in the Base Files and Batch Output Generation dialog box in a binary type file (fn.bog). Click the button and select a fn.bog to use the same output format.
Import /Export is only meaningful for different projects. In a given structural model, the Base Files are automatically stored and listed.