Nodal Load



Define concentrated load (Force and/or Moment) at selected nodes for an Analysis model.

Nodal Load is applied to Nodes/Curves. When Curve(s) is selected, Nodal Load(s) is applied to the nodes on the curve.

Applicable Modules:



Soft Ground







From the Main Menu, select Loads | Boundaries > Loads > Nodal Loads

From the Command Line, type 'NodalLoad' or 'NL'




Load Set

Select the Load Set under which the Nodal Load has to be assigned . Click to invoke the Define Load Set dialog to Add, Modify or Delete Load Set(s).


Select Object

Select the objects to which Nodal Load will be assigned.


Select nodes directly.


Select curves to apply Nodal Load to the nodes associated with the selected curves.



Specify the components of the Nodal Load.


Two translational forces and a moment can be defined.  (The unit system is automatically converted.)  


Click  to define a function to specify a varying load.


Click Preview to check the created nodal load.

The dialog box will be initialized.

After creating the nodal load, the dialog box will close upon clicking.

Click the ESC key to close the dialog box.

After creating the nodal load, the work process will switch to the state of Select Node upon clicking.  


Note: SoilWorks operates on the X-Z plane.  As such, Force X, Force Z and Moment Y can be defined. The sign convention corresponds to the reference axes, +(→,↑) and -(←,↓) and  the positive moment acts clockwise (using the right hand rule).