Beam End Offsets
Define Rigid End Offset Distance or take into account the Joint Eccentricity with respect to GCS or element's local coordinate system at both ends of beam elements.
Beam End Offsets can be specified in conjunction with (Beam End Release).
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From the Main Menu select Model > Boundaries > Beam End Offsets.
Select Geometry > Boundaries > Beam End Offsets in the Menu tab of the Tree Menu. |
Enter the end offset distance with respect to element's local x-direction.
RGDi: End offset distance in the element's local (+) x-direction at N1 end
RGDj: End offset distance in the element's local (-) x-direction at N2 end
Positive values must be entered for RGDi and RGDj. The beam element length will be then adjusted to reflect RGDi and RGDj.
Element length: L = L0 - (RGDi + RGDj)
Where, L0: original length of beam element (distance between the ends, N1 and N2)