Static Seismic Loads
In midas Gen, the automatic data entry of equivalent static seismic loads according to various standards is applicable for common buildings where each story can be defined and can reasonably act as a rigid diaphragm. [Procedure of the automatic data entry of static seismic loads] Once the data required for the calculation of seismic loads are defined, auto-calculate seismic loads for each story in connection with the story data generated in Story. Use to verify the auto-calculated seismic loads. |
From the Main Menu select Load > Static Seismic Loads.
Select Static Loads > Static Seismic Loads in the Menu tab of the Tree Menu. |
Access Seismic Loads to activate the dialog box defining the seismic loads. Click to display the dialog box shown below.
Add/Modify Seismic Load Design Code dialog box
Load Case Name
Select the load case name to be associated with the seismic load. Click to the right to enter or modify new load cases.
Seismic Load Code
Select the standards to be applied to the seismic load calculation.
IBC2012: International Building Code 2012
IBC2009: International Building Code 2009
IBC2000: International Building Code 2000
UBC (1997): UBC 97 standards
UBC (1991): UBC 91 standards
ATC 3-06 (1982): ATC 3-06 Provision
NBC (1995): National Building Code of Canada
NTC 2008 : Italy
NTC 2012 : Italy (Note that this is a draft version.)
Eurocode-8 (1996): Design provisions for earthquake resistance of structures. General rules. Strengthening and repair of buildings.
Revision of Gen 2014 (v2.1)
Eurocode-8 (2004) Elastic: Design provisions for earthquake resistance of structures. General rules. Strengthening and repair of buildings.
Note. Available National Annexes are as follows: Recommended Singapore
IS1893 (2002): Indian Standard
Taiwan (2011): Seismic Design Specifications and Commentary of Buildings
Taiwan (2006): Seismic Design Specifications and Commentary of Buildings
Taiwan (1999): Seismic Design Specifications and Commentary of Buildings
(available upon request)
Japan (Arch, 2000): Japan, Arch. Assoc.- Building structure loading & comm.
KBC (2008): Korea Building Code, 2008
Korean (KBC, 2005): Korea Building Code-Structural, KBCS
Korean (Arch, 2000): Buildings loading criteria and commentaries
Korean (Arch, 1992): Regulations related to structural criteria for buildings
China Shanghai (DGJ08-9-2003): Shanghai Code for Seismic Design of Buildings
China (GB50011-2001): Chinese Code for Seismic Design of Buildings
Enter a short description.
Seismic Load Parameters
Enter the parameters to be applied to the seismic load calculation.
(available upon request)
Structural Parameters
Enter the parameters defining the characteristics of the structure.
(available upon request)
Seismic Load Direction Factor
Enter the directions and magnitudes of the seismic loads to be applied.
Scale Factor in Global X: Scale factor in GCS X-direction
Scale Factor in Global Y: Scale factor in GCS Y-direction
Eccentricity Direction
Assign the directions to be considered with accidental eccentricities in the structure.
If the 'None' option is selected, accidental eccentricity is not considered.
Torsional Amplification
Accidental Eccentricity: Check whether or not to apply amplification to torsion due to Accidental Eccentricity.
Inherent Eccentricity: Check whether or not to apply amplification to torsion due to the eccentricity between the center of mass and the center of stiffness of the building structure.
Additional Seismic Loads
Enter additional seismic loads that the auto-calculation does not take into account
Press to enter the stories to apply additional seismic loads and the magnitudes for each direction.
: Display Tables and Graphs in a spreadsheet form for each loading direction and component of the auto-calculated seismic load.
Component: Assign the seismic loading direction for a graphic display
Select Profile: Select the items to be displayed
Story Force
Story Shear
Overturning Moment
: Display a spreadsheet Text Output file showing the seismic load calculation process. Text Editor is automatically executed.
: Apply the auto-calculated equivalent static seismic loads to the model.