General Section Designer




General Section Designer is a tool that calculates the section properties, interaction curves, moment curvatures, and stress distribution of a general shape of section.


Scope of GSD:


  • Definition of any  irregular cross-section

  • Calculation of Section properties

  • Generation of P-M, P-My-Mz, M-M interaction curves

  • Calculation of Section Capacity (in flexure) and Safety Ratio based on member forces

  • Generation of Moment-Curvature curve

  • Plot of Stress contours for uncracked / cracked cross-sections


All the above features are supported for: RC sections, Steel sections and Composite sections.




From the Main Menu select Tools > General Section Designer.





 0-Check.jpg midas GSD window



midas GSD window


 0-Check.jpg midas GSD Work Procedure




Please refer to the GSD online help for more details: Go to the GSD online help



tri.jpgRevision of Gen 2014 (v1.1)


Q1. GSD is hanging up when I perform the design. Why?