Fire Proofing

Apply fireproofing thickness information on line member.


ΆΖ Call


 [Load] Tab > [Gravity] > [Fire Proofing]

 Work Tree [Analysis] Tab > [Fire Proofing] > Right-Click> [Add Fire Proofing]

Blue_Square.gifModify, Delete

 Work Tree [Analysis] Tab >[Fire Proofing] > Right-Click > [Modify], [Delete]


ΆΖ Detail Description


< Fire Proofing Dialog >



Blue_Square.gifAdd to Self Weight : Consider fire proofing as additional mass and apply in calculation of self weight and mass for seismic load.

Blue_Square.gifType : Select type of fire proofing

Black_Square.gif Contour : Shape with defined thickness around the section shape.

Black_Square.gif Contour (Top Exposed) : Shape of Contour Type with exposed top.

Black_Square.gif Block : Shape with defined thickness around the Box of section edges.

Black_Square.gif Block (Top Exposed) : Shape of Block Type which exposed top.


Blue_Square.gifThickness : Enter the thickness of fire proofing.

Blue_Square.gifWeight Density : Enter the weight density of fire proofing.


Function to apply Setback on fire proofing at each end of the member.


Blue_Square.gifBy Cutback Distance : Consider the Cutback distance applied on member as the length of fire proofing. For the member which has not been applied the Cutback distance will have fire proofing at entire member. The defined length can exclude fire proofing from both end of the member.
