Frameworks Configuration                                                                                                                                               btn_tutorial.png

midas nGen consists of the optimum working environment for Windows by providing various menu systems, tree menu with working window, sub-window and tool box which users can define its structure by themselves.


¢Æ Configuration



¢Æ Detail Description

Main Menu

The functions within midas nGen is divided into tabs and categories according to its usage.

Blue_Square.gifHome Tab : Consists of global variable setting, analysis and design variable setting, property and set definition etc.

Blue_Square.gifModel Tab : Consists of functions to generate and edit the member and feature.

 Black_Square.gifMember Category: Consists of functions to generate and edit the member.

 Black_Square.gifFeature Category : Consists of functions to generate and edit the feature.

 Black_Square.gifTemplate Wizard Category : Consists of wizard functions to generate model conveniently.

Blue_Square.gifAnalysis & Design Tab : Consists of functions to input data for analysis and design.

 Black_Square.gifLoad Category : Consists of functions to input load.

 Black_Square.gifBoundary & Mass Category : Consists of functions to input boundary condition and mass.

 Black_Square.gifAnalysis & Design Category : Consists of functions to define the conditions and perform analysis and design..

Blue_Square.gifResult Tab : Consists of functions to check the analysis and design result and generate report.

 Black_Square.gifAnalysis Result Category : Consists of functions to check the analysis result.

 Black_Square.gifDesign Result Category : Consists of functions to check the design result.

 Black_Square.gifOutput Category : Consists of functions for setting of report and drawing output.

Blue_Square.gifView Tab : Consists of functions to modify the element within work window.

Blue_Square.gifInterface Tab : Consists of functions for interface with other programs.

Works Tree

All geometrical features, members, various load, boundary conditions, mass, analysis/design conditions and result items within the project is grouped and provided as hierarchy structure.


Entire work content can be checked easily, users can perform various functions like 'modify', 'delete', 'assign', etc., from the Context menu provided by selected objects.

Tool Bar

Frequently used functions can be provided as a small icon.


Various information of selected objects can be checked and edited within model window.

Message Window

Various warning, error messages and analysis/design progress status can be shown as text format.

Tool Box

Frequently used functions can be added by Drag & Drop from the main menu according to user's preference.

Status Bar

Coordinate information and unit change function, modeling option function (snap, toggle, etc.) are provided to maximize the efficiency.
