Global Settings                                                                                                                                                                     btn_tutorial.png

Define globally used parameters within program.


¢Æ Call

Blue_Square.gif[Get Started] Tab > [Setting] > [Global Settings]

Blue_Square.gif[Structure] Tab > [Global Settings] > [Global Settings]

Blue_Square.gifWork Tree [Model] Tab > [Project Setting] > [Global Settings] > Right-click > [Modify]


¢Æ Detail Description



< Global Settings Dialog >


Black_Square.gifAuto Save File : Save project file automatically at certain duration.

Black_Square.gifTemporary Folder : Define directory for temporary file created/deleted when using the program.

Black_Square.gifShow Start Page : Show start page.



Black_Square.gifRendering Acceleration : Choose whether to accelerate rendering.

Black_Diamond.png On : Accelerate rendering

Black_Diamond.png Off : Do not accelerate rendering



It is recommended to accelerate rendering if program is to be run in high-quality graphical condition.



midas nGen provides innovative graphical environment compared to previous programs. However, minimum system requirements should be satisfied for smooth performance. There are higher possibility of systematic problem if integrated graphic card is used and Rendering Acceleration will be automatically turned off if integrated graphic card is used within system.


- Operating System : Microsoft Window 7 64bit OS recommended

- CPU : Intel Core i3 or higher

- RAM : 8GB or more

- Graphic Card : NVIDIA Geforce 200 series or higher + Single GPU recommended


Black_Square.gifView Control Type : Define screen control rule using mouse scroll and Ctrl button.

Black_Diamond.png Gen Style : Apply screen control rule of midas Gen.

- Mouse Scroll : Move screen

- Ctrl + Scroll : Rotate screen

- Scroll up : Zoom in

- Scroll down : Zoom out


Black_Diamond.png CAD Style : Apply screen control rule of commercialized CAD programs.

- Mouse Scroll : Rotate screen

- Ctrl + Scroll : Move screen

- Scroll up : Zoom in

- Scroll down : Zoom out



< Global Settings Dialog >


Black_Square.gifSplit Revolved Faces : Insert angle to divide the curved section created by various options such as Extrude, Revolve etc. For example, if cylindrical shape is created by using Extrude function on circle, it will be divided into 4 sections if the 90¨¬ is applies to Split Revolved Faces.



Blue_Square.gifAutomatic Generation of Release

 Define whether to create connection condition automatically as members are created.

Black_Square.gifPinned-Pinned : Create pin connection condition at each end when members are created.

Black_Square.gifFixed-Fixed : Connection condition is not created with members.



Black_Square.gifCreate Dimension : Check if fixed dimension is to be applied when the line is drawn in sketch mode.

Black_Square.gifCreate Constraint : Check if various constraint conditions like fix, orthogonal, parallel etc are to be applied when the line is drawn in sketch mode.


Blue_Square.gifCopy Option

 Choose whether to copy members with various conditions such as load, boundary condition & mass, shape offset etc.

Black_Square.gifCopy Loads : Choose whether to copy members by considering or disregarding various informations. (e.g Point Load, Beam Load, Pressure, Arbitrary Point Load, Arbitrary Line Load, Arbitrary Pressure, Temperature, Displacement, Fire Proofing)

Black_Square.gifCopy Boundaries & Masses : Choose whether to copy members by considering or disregarding various informations. (e.g Support, Point Spring, Area Spring, General Spring, Beam End Offset, Rigid Zone, Beam End Release, Plate End Release, Mass, General Mass)

Black_Square.gifCopy Shape Offsets : Choose whether to copy members by considering or disregarding various informations. (e.g Section Offset, Start Offset, End Offset).

Toggle Option > Modeling Snap


< Global Settings Dialog >

Define snap settings used for modeling within 3D and plane mode. Following snap options are provided.



Snaps to the closest endpoint or corner of a geometric object.



Snaps to the midpoint of a geometric object.




Snaps to the center of an arc, circle, etc.



Snaps to the intersection of lines.



Snaps to the nearest point on a line.



Snaps to a point perpendicular to the selected line.



Snaps to a quadrant point of a circle.


Guide Line

Snaps to the intersection of guide lines.


Toggle Option > Sketch Snap


< Global Settings Dialog >

Define snap settings used for sketching within sketch mode. Following snap options are provided.



Snaps to the closest endpoint or corner of a geometric object.



Snaps to the midpoint of a geometric object.




Snaps to the center of an arc, circle, etc.



Snaps to the node.



Snaps to a quadrant point of a circle.



Snaps to the intersection of lines.




Snaps to the nearest point on a line.



Snaps to a point perpendicular to the selected line.



Constrains a new line segment to be parallel to an existing line.



Constrains a line segment to be vertical to the X-axis in sketch mode.




Constrains a line segment to be vertical to the Y-axis in sketch mode.


Guide Line

Snaps to the intersection of guide lines.

Toggle Option > Misc.


< Global Settings Dialog >

Blue_Square.gif Input Method (F4) : Change the input method of line modeling.


Input Method On

Express as length of vertical and horizontal components of a line.





Input Method Off

Express as length of line and the angle with horizontal axis.


Blue_Square.gif Auto Intersect (F7) : When members are overlapped to each other, it will be decided whether to divide those members in accordance with its type.


Auto Intersect On

Divide automatically in accordance to the member type.



Input Method Off

No automatic division.


Black_Square.gifBeam do not intersect Column (Steel)

Black_Diamond.png Check On : Beam member does not divide column member. Only applies to steel members.

Black_Diamond.png Check Off : Beam member divides column member. Only applies to steel members.

Black_Square.gifSub Column and Sub Beam intersect Sub Beam

Black_Diamond.png Check On : Sub beam member is divided by sub column and sub beam members.

Black_Diamond.png Check Off : Sub beam member is not divided by sub column and sub beam members.

Black_Square.gifPlate intersect Plate

Black_Diamond.png Check On : Plate member is divided by plate member.

Black_Diamond.png Check Off : Plate member is not divided by plate member.


Blue_Square.gif Orthogonal (F8)



Orthogonal On

Modeling is only possible to the parallel direction of X,Y and Z axis of global coordinate system.


Blue_Square.gif Grip (F9)


Grip On

Small spherical labels will be appeared at begin/end and midpoint of selected object and this can be controlled with mouse to move entire object or the label.



Blue_Square.gif Constraint (F11)


Constraint On

When 1D members or features are moved, coincident conditions between other 1D objects, begin/mid/end point or at any other points will be maintained.  


Constraint Off

Coincident condition is not maintained and it moves independently.




Result Option > Analysis Results


< Global Settings Dialog >

Define default settings of analysis results menu.


Blue_Square.gif Diagram

Black_Square.gifFill Diagram : Select to fill diagram.

Black_Square.gifScale : Define scale of diagram.

Blue_Square.gif Deform

Black_Square.gifDeform : Select to display deformed shape.

Black_Square.gifShape : Define how to express shape prior to deformation.

Black_Square.gifScale : Define scale of deformed shape.

Blue_Square.gif Value

Black_Square.gifValue : Select to display result values in text.

Black_Square.gifStyle : Define text output style.

Blue_Square.gif 2D/3D

Black_Square.gifNodal Average : Display the nodal average results of the contiguous elements sharing the common nodes.


Black_Diamond.png All Element : Apply Nodal Average option considering all elements.

Black_Diamond.png Activated Elements : Apply Nodal Average option considering only activated elements.

Blue_Square.gif Misc.

Black_Square.gifLegend : Select to display legend of various information of results from analysis.

Black_Square.gifNo Results : Define the display options for the elements which are not currently being reviewed.

Result Option > Design Results


< Global Settings Dialog >

Define default settings of design results menu.


Blue_Square.gif Diagram

Black_Square.gifFill Diagram : Select to fill diagram.

Black_Square.gifScale : Define scale of diagram.

Blue_Square.gif Value

Black_Square.gifValue : Select to display result values in text.

Black_Square.gifStyle : Define text output style.

Blue_Square.gif Misc.

Black_Square.gifLegend : Select to display legend of various information of design results.

Black_Square.gifNo Results : Define the display options for the elements which are not currently being reviewed.
