Work Plane

Create work plane.


ΆΖ Call


[Define] Tab > [Reference] > [Work Plane]


Work Tree [Model] Tab > [Reference] > [Work Plane] > [List] > Right-Click > [Delete]


ΆΖ Detail Description

Three Points

Create a work plane which is defined by three selected points.

Two Edges

Create a work plane which is defined by two edges.

On Plane

Create a work plane on a selected plane.

Offset from Plane

Create a work plane parallel with a selected plane at a specified distance in the normal direction to the selected plane.


Between Two Planes

Create a work plane between two selected plane.

Plane and Point

Create a work plane which passes through a selected point and is parallel with a selected plane.

At Surface

Create a work plane which is tangent to a selected point at surface.

At Curve

Create a work plane which passes through a selected point and perpendicular to selected line member.