
Revolve face and line along reference axis and create solid and face respectively.


ΆΖ Call

[Body] Tab > [Generate] > [Revolve]


ΆΖ Detail Description

< Mini Toolbar>

< Revolve Dialog >

Nonlinear Parameter


Select object to be revolved.


Select Axis


Select reference axis of rotation.




(Positive) :  Revolve in the (+)normal direction of selected object.

(Negative) : Revolve in the (-)normal direction of selected object.

(Symmetric) : Revolve symmetrically in both positive and negative normal direction of selected object.

(Asymmetric) : Revolve asymmetrically in positive and negative normal direction of selected object.


Angle to


Revolve up to selected object.




(Add) : Merge body using the Add function.

(Cut) : Remove the overlap between the created body and existing body using a Cut function.

(Intersect) : Remove everything but the overlap between the created body and existing body using an Intersect function.

(New Body) : Create new body without considering the overlap with other body.