Modify Effective Section Properties



Eurocode3-1-3:06기준 사용시 활성화되며 Uplight Cold Formed단면의 유효단면성능을 수정할 때 사용합니다.



[Design] 탭 > [Design] 그룹 > [Cold Formed Steel Design] > [Modify Effective Section Properties]





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Modify Effective Section Properties 대화상자

Section List
  리스트에는 Uplight Cold Formed단면만 보이게 되며, Cold Formed Channel단면은 프로그램이 자동으로 단면성능을 계산하기 때문에 리스트에 보이지 않습니다.
Properties for Design

  Uplight Cold Formed Section의 한계상태체크에 적용되는 유효단면성능을 입력합니다.

  A_eff: Effective cross section area

   A_net: Perforated cross section area which excludes hole area

   Iy_eff: Effective moment of inertia about the element's local y-direction

   Iz_eff: Effective moment of inertia about the element's local z-direction

   Wy_eff: Effective section modulus about the element's local y-direction

   Wz_eff: Effective section modulus about the element's local z-direction

   It_eff: Effective torsional constant

   Iw_eff: Effective warping constant

   Cy_eff: Distance from the section's neutral axis to the extreme fiber of the element in the local (+)y-direction

  Cz_eff: Distance from the section's neutral axis to the extreme fiber of the element in the local (+)z-direction