Pushover Curve
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Using the interaction of the base shear and the displacements calculated from the results of a Pushover analysis, the capacity curve and capacity spectrum of a structure are calculated. The demand spectrum is also generated for a design seismic load using the design response spectrum.
The Performance Point, which represents the state of maximum inelastic capacity of the structure, is found through the cross point of the Capacity Spectrum and Demand Spectrum for a given damping ratio. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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From the Main Menu select Design > Pushover Analysis > Pushover Curve. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Pushover Curve dialog box
Pushover Load Case
Select a load case applied to pushover analysis.
Note If Pushover Load Case acting in GCS Z-direction is specified, only Load Factor vs. Displacement becomes activated in Plot Type.
Plot Type
Select the type of pushover result curve to be produced.
Capacity Curve (MDOF)
Base Shear vs. Displacement
Shear Coefficient vs. Displacement: Shear coefficient (Lateral load/Total weight) vs. Displacement
Shear Coefficient vs. Drift: Shear coefficient vs. inter-story Drift
Load Factor vs. Displacement
Note 1 If Load Factor vs. Displacement is specified in Plot Type, Capacity Spectrum becomes inactivated.
Note 2 Pushover Curve due to vertical (gravity) load can be produced. An example of application may be an arch structure subjected to vertical displacement in relation to the total reaction.
Additional Curves at other Nodes: Nodes numbers for which additional curves will be produced
Capacity Spectrum (SDOF)
For Performance Point (FEMA) : Load (Base Shear) - Displacement of the pushover analysis is transformed into the Spectral Acceleration (Sa) vs. Spectral Displacement (Sd) curve.
For Target Displacement (EC8/Masonry): Target displacement is a the seismic demand derived from the elastic response spectrum considered in terms of the displacement of an equivalent single-degree-of-freedom system.
Additional Pushover Step for Story Drift
Define the additional pushover steps in order to check the pushover analysis results for the steps which have not been defined in Pushover Load Case. [Details ]
Load Case : The pushover load case defined in Pushover Curve is displayed.
Define Additional Step : Select the method to define additional steps.
Monitored Displacement : Define additional steps based on the displacement.
Resultant Base Shear : Define additional steps based on the base shear.
User Input : Define the additional step name, Reference Step and Distance Ratio directly.
Note Check pushover analysis results for Additional Step Entered additional step can be checked in Deformed Shape and Story Drift.
Calculate Reference Step and Distance Ratio : Click
button in order to define an additional step by entering Distance Ratio from the Reference Step to the additional step.
Additional Step Data : Determine the displacement of additional step
Load Case : Load case name for which an additional step is added.
Reference : Reference pushover step to determine the position of an additional step
Distance Ratio : Displacement ratio of the reference step to the additional step
Text Output
Pushover analysis result graphs can be saved as text files.
Note When Performance Point is found, an additional step for Performance Point is added in text file.
Display Capacity Spectrum produced by Performance Point / Target Displacement.
Note If the user click on Draw button, an additional step for Performance Point is added into Additional Step dialog box.
Graph Display Option
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