



Check the influence surface of a support reaction based on the influence surface analysis results due to a moving traffic load.




From the Main Menu select Results > Moving Load > Influence Surfaces > Reactions.





0-Check.jpg Lane/Surface Lanes


Select a traffic lane for which the influence surface analysis results are to be checked.


Key Node: Enter a support node number, or click the entry field and the desired support in the working window.


0-Check.jpg Components


Assign a desired reaction component.


Fx: Reaction component in GCS X-direction


Fy: Reaction component in GCS Y-direction


Fz: Reaction component in GCS Z-direction


Mx: Moment reaction component about GCS X-axis


My: Moment reaction component about GCS Y-axis


Mz: Moment reaction component about GCS Z-axis


Local (if defined): Where a node's local coordinate system is defined, the influence surface is produced with respect to the node's local coordinate system.



0-Check.jpg Type of Display


Assign the type of display.



Display the reaction influence surface in contour.


Ranges: Define the contour ranges.


0-Customize_Range....jpg : Assign the color distribution range of contour. Using the function, specific colors for specific ranges can be assigned.


Contour Range Max/Min values can be larger than the max/min output values.  If the Contour Range values exceed the output values, they are entered at Rank 0 and Rank 11.


Number of Colors: Assign the number of colors to be included in the contour (select among 6, 12, 18, 24 colors)

Colors: Assign or control the colors of the contour.


Color Table: Assign the type of Colors.


0-Customize_Color_Table....jpg : Control the colors by zones in the contour.


Reverse Contour: Check on to reverse the sequence of color variation in the contour.


Contour Line: Assign the boundary line color of the contour


Element Edge: Assign the color of element edges while displaying the contour

Contour Options: Specify options for contour representation


Contour Fill


Gradient Fill: Display color gradient (shading) in the contour.

Draw Contour Lines
: Display color boundaries in the contour.


Draw Contour Line Only
Display only the colored boundaries of the contour.


Mono line: Display the boundaries of the contour in a mono color.


Contour Annotation
Legend or annotation signifying the ranges of the contour is displayed.


Spacing: Specify the spacing of the legend or annotation.


Coarse Contour (faster) (for large plate or solid model)
Represent a simplified contour for a large model using plate or solid elements in order to reduce the time required to represent a complete contour.


Where plate elements or solid elements along a cutting plane are represented in contour, a three dimensional contour is created. The positive direction of the analysis results is oriented in the z-axis direction of the local element coordinate system.

The option is not concurrently applicable with the Deformed Shape option. Similarly, the option cannot be concurrently applied to the cases where the Hidden option is used to display plate element thicknesses or the Both option is used to represent Top & Bottom member forces (stresses).


Display various references related to analysis results to the right or left of the working window.


Legend Position: Position of the legend in the display window


Rank Value Type: Specify a type of values in the Legend and the number of decimal points.

3D Contour

Display the reaction influence surface in a 3-dimensional contour.


Scale Factor: Enter the drawing scale factor for the 3-D contour.


Draw vertical lines: Display vertical lines inside the 3-D contour.


Display the reaction influence surface in numerical values.


The font and color of the numbers can be controlled in 0-Display_Option.jpg Display Option.


Decimal Points: Assign decimal points for the displayed numbers.

: Express as exponential.

Min & Max: Display the maximum, minimum values.

Abs Max
: Display the absolute maximum value.

: Display only the maximum value.

: Display only the minimum value.

Limit Scale (%)
: Set the screen display limit for reaction influence surface values relative to the selected maximum or minimum value.

Set Orientation: Display orientation of numerical values.


The default Decimal Points can be controlled in "Preferences".

Set Orientation = 0 horizontally displays the numerical values to the right of nodes or elements.

The orientation angle represents thp>


0-Write_to_File.jpg : Save the results displayed in the current model window as a text file