Time Dependent Material (Creep/Shrinkage) |
Define the time dependent creep and shrinkage material data for concrete. The properties are applied to Construction stage analysis and Heat of hydration analysis. |
From the Main Menu select Properties > Time Dependent > Creep/Shrinkage. |
Click to define a new time dependent material property (creep/shrinkage). Click and to change and delete the data previously entered. Click to copy previously entered data. Name Enter the name of the material property, which is referred to by Time Dependent Material Link. Code Define the Code for which Creep/Shrinkage material properties can be defined. When CEB-FIP(2010) is selected Characteristic Compressive strength of concrete at the age of 28 days Relative Humidity of ambient environment (40-99) Notional size of member Note Type of Cement Age of concrete at the beginning of shrinkage: The number of days elapsed after pouring of concrete, when the shrinkage is assumed to start. Type of aggregate Creep Calculation Process
Shrinkage Calculation Process
: Produce the auto-calculated time dependent material property in a graph. When CEB-FIP(1990) is selected Characteristic Compressive strength of concrete at the age of 28 days Relative Humidity of ambient environment (40-99) Notional size of member Note Type of Cement Age of concrete at the beginning of shrinkage: The number of days elapsed after pouring of concrete, when the shrinkage is assumed to start. : Produce the auto-calculated time dependent material property in a graph.
When CEB-FIP(1978) is selected Characteristic Compressive strength of concrete at the age of 28 days Relative Humidity of ambient environment(40 - 100) Notional size of member Note 1. In case the Notional Size of Member (h) for each element is different due to a changing section, 'h' for each element needs to be entered in Change Element Dependent Material Property. 2. In case the Composite Section for Construction Stage is used, 'h' for each Part needs to be entered in Composite Section for Construction Stage. Type of Cement Age of concrete at the beginning of shrinkage: The number of days elapsed after pouring of concrete, when the shrinkage is assumed to start. : Produce the auto-calculated time dependent material property in a graph.
When ACI209(1982) Code is selected Compressive strength of concrete at the age of 28 days Relative Humidity of ambient environment (40-99) Volume-surface ratio: The volume-surface ratio of the structure Age of concrete at the beginning of shrinkage: The number of days elapsed after pouring of concrete, when the shrinkage is assumed to start. Init Curing Method: Initial curing method Revision of Civil 2011 Concrete Compressive Strength Factor Material factored ultimate value: The user may enter the ultimate values considering concrete properties by ACI code or User type. Type
Slump Fine aggregate percentage Air content Cement content
Material factored ultimate creep coefficient (1.3 ~ 4.15): Ultimate creep coefficient considering concrete properties Material factored ultimate shrinkage strain: Ultimate shrinkage strain considering concrete properties : Produce the auto-calculated time dependent material property in a graph.
Compressive strength of concrete at the age of 28 days Ultimate shrinkage strain (500~800) Ultimate creep strain (3~5) Relative Humidity of ambient environment (40-99) Volume-surface ratio: The volume-surface ratio of the structure Reinforcement ratio of cross section of column segment Modulus of elasticity of steel : Produce the auto-calculated time dependent material property in a graph.
When Combined (ACI209(1982) & PCA(1986)) is selected Compressive strength of concrete at the age of 28 days Relative Humidity of ambient environment (40-100) Volume-surface ratio: The volume-surface ratio of the structure Creep Material factored ultimate creep strain: Ultimate creep strain considering concrete properties Volume-surface Ratio: Equation for Volume-surface Ratio Loading aged factored (t : loading age): Equation for loading age coefficient Shrinkage Material factored ultimate shrinkage strain: Ultimate shrinkage strain considering concrete properties Volume-surface Ratio: Equation for Volume-surface Ratio Progress of shrinkage with Time Reinforced concrete effect by PCA Reinforcement ratio of cross section of column segment Modulus of elasticity of Steel : Produce the auto-calculated time dependent material property in a graph.
When AASHTO (2006) is selected Compressive strength of concrete at the age of 28 days Relative Humidity of ambient environment (40-99) Volume-surface ratio: The volume-surface ratio of the structure Age of concrete at the beginning of shrinkage: The number of days elapsed after pouring of concrete, when the shrinkage is assumed to start. Expose to drying before 5 Days of curing: If this option is checked on, the influence of Creep & Shrinkage is increased by 20% (ref. AASHTO and Creep). : Produce the auto-calculated time dependent material property in a graph.
When INDIA (IRC:18-2000) is selected Compressive strength of concrete at the age of 28 days Relative Humidity of ambient environment (40-99) Notational size of member Note 1. In case the Notational Size of Member (h) for each element is different due to a changing section, 'h' for each element needs to be entered in Change Element Dependent Material Property. 2. In case the Composite Section for Construction Stage is used, 'h' for each Part needs to be entered in Composite Section for Construction Stage. Age of concrete at the beginning of shrinkage: The number of days elapsed after pouring of concrete, when the shrinkage is assumed to start. : Produce the auto-calculated time dependent material property in a graph.
Characteristic compressive cylinder strength of concrete at the age of 28 days (fck) Relative Humidity of ambient environment (40-99) Notational size of member Note Type of Cement Type of Code Age of concrete at the beginning of shrinkage: The number of days elapsed after pouring of concrete, when the shrinkage is assumed to start. : Produce the auto-calculated time dependent material property in a graph.
Compressive strength of concrete at the age of 28 days Exposure Environment Arid Interior Temperate Inland Tropical or Near Coastal Hypothetical Thickness Note Drying Basic Shrinkage Strain Age of concrete at the beginning of shrinkage: The number of days elapsed after pouring of concrete, when the shrinkage is assumed to start. : Produce the auto-calculated time dependent material property in a graph.
When AS/RTA 5100.5-2011 & 2016 & 2017 is selected Compressive strength of concrete at the age of 28 days Exposure Environment Arid Interior Temperate Inland Tropical or Near Coastal Hypothetical Thickness Note Drying Basic Shrinkage Strain Age of concrete at the beginning of shrinkage: The number of days elapsed after pouring of concrete, when the shrinkage is assumed to start. : Produce the auto-calculated time dependent material property in a graph.
When NZ Bridge(SP/M/022) is selected Compressive strength of concrete at the age of 28 days Exposure Environment Arid Interior Temperate Inland Tropical or Near Coastal Relative Humidity Factor for Shrinkage (0.20~0.72) Hypothetical Thickness Note Drying Basic Shrinkage Strain(10^6) (570-~1500) Age of concrete at the beginning of shrinkage: The number of days elapsed after pouring of concrete, when the shrinkage is assumed to start. : Produce the auto-calculated time dependent material property in a graph.
Function Loading Age: Assign the age (time) at which the members become subjected to loads (for instance, the number of days after which the formwork and/or shoring is removed after the concrete pour in the case of self weights) Add the defined Creep Function to the list in conjunction with Loading Age. Modify Loading Age pertaining to the registered Creep Function. Delete the registered Creep Function together with Loading Age. Shrinkage
Strain Function