Auto Mesh: Face






Auto Mesh - Face automatically generates meshes on selected faces (Shell, Face).






 Mesh > Auto Mesh > Face






<Auto-Mesh Face>

Select Face(s)

Select Faces (Shell, Face), wich will be automatically meshed.

Mesh Size


Element Size

Specify the element size.

Specify the number of divisions at the boundary edges of the shapes for a meshing operation.
Adaptive Seeding

Automatically increases the polynomial order so that the mesh can adjust to the needs of the system.


Align Edge Seed Near Inner Loop

Improves the mesh quality, if an inner loop (hole) exists near the outer loop (boundary) of the face, edge seeding of the inner loop will align the edge seed near the inner loop with the outer loop edge.


Manual Division

Once the seeding of edges is displayed, edges can be selected and the mesh division can be manually changed by the use of the mouse wheel.




Mesh Set


<Advanced Option>



Select mesh generation algorithm and element type.

Loop Mesher


Grid Mesher


Delaunay Mesher


Generate Offset Element

Construct meshes at the boundaries of the selected faces first, and then expand the meshes inward.  This command may be applicable for generating quadrilateral meshes using the Loop Mesher or the Grid Mesher.


Refinement Factor


Mesh Set


Merge Nodes


Generate Mid-side Nodes


Skip Meshed Face(s)


Post Remesh

Post Remesh can be set before automeshing.  When selected, it improves poor quality mesh from auto meshing.  The existing mesh is deleted when the surface is remeshed


Mesh Clean-Up






Example: Auto Mesh>Face


Meshing 2D Elements on Non-manifold Shell







1. Select face(s) to generate Mesh (if the shape is Shell, change Selection Filter to Shell).

2. Choose a meshing algorithm (Refer to Meshing Algorithm) Above example has meshed with Loop Mesher.

3. Make sure sizing method is in Element Size (Refer to Size Control>On Face…).

4. Enter 1 in Mesh Size.

5. Click button to assign Attribute to the face(s) .

6. Click [OK] button.



1. Above example has been seeded before meshing (Size Control>Along Edge…). As shown, it resulted in different element size on Face.

2. To match nodal connectivity between faces, it is better to sew all Faces into a Shell.

Example: Align Seed for Inner Loop Edge